Chapter 18

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The next morning I woke up around 10 a.m with a banging headache. Even tho I still loved Dorian I just needed to take a break from "us". I called my mother and asked her to come pick me up, when she asked why was I coming home so early I lied and told her I felt sick when it's really because I was scared to be around when Dorian woke up.

It took my mom about an hour to come pick me up, Dorian had woke up but went straight to the bathroom and didn't even acknowledge me. when she was outside she honked the horn and I walked out to the car leaving Dorian a note on his dresser :

Dorian ,

I can't believe you did what you did to me last night , I thought we were so much better than that and we could talk about any problem we'd ever have. Guess I was wrong. I still love you and still want to be with you and work out our problems as long as you promise to never hurt me again.

Love Asia .

When I got in the car with my mom she was staring at me as if she knew something wasn't right, I just kept looking at my phone hoping she would stop looking at me every time we stopped at a light.

Soon as we reached the house I went straight up to my room to avoid any questions she was even thinking about asking. I called Egypt once I was settled in because I needed someone to vent to about the whole situation.

"Hey Egypt, wassup? "

"Hey girl, nothing much just catching up on Basketball Wives. Soooo how did the night go with Dorian ? Anything interesting happen? "

"Speaking of last night, that's why I called you, I really need someone to vent too. I don't want any advice and I don't want to be judged. "

"Woah, okay. So wassup"

After I went on and told Egypt everything that happened between me Dorian and my "friend" Honesty, we had an idea to get pay back on Honesty because she knew how much I loved Dorian...

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