Stuck On The Puzzle (Alex Gaskarth & Jenna McDougall)

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So... this is a new fanfic I've been writing in spanish, I've decided to translate it because I really love the plot and McGaskall is really cute, I guess. It contains hints of Taylex and maybe even Baradine. It will also have other pairings, such as Kellic and Austlan, although I'm not so sure of how I'll add them, but I will! If you like it, please comment!


Jenna sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time of the day, she was really tired at the moment, and she would rather be playing video games in her friend's house, Cam, instead of packing her things to leave the town.

What she felt wasn't the kind of tiredness that went away with a two-hour nap in the afternoon. Jenna wasn't tired like that. The blonde was tired of the same old routine, the family moved everytime her father got a new job, right after she got used to the city she had been in. They'd have to say goodbye to their new friends again, and then, they'd left, trying to adapt to the city of the year until it happened again. It was a cycle. And one of the reasons Jenna didn't try to make friends at all, it was tiring to even make an attempt to be sociable, and she didn't get why she should do it, after all, in one (or two years if they were lucky) she'd never see them again.

That was why Jenna didn't have a lot of friends in New York, if it wasn't that Cam was the only one. And even then, the blonde still believed it would be grueling to say goodbye to him. Of course she'd feel sad, and maybe even cry a little, Cam was probably the best friend she had ever had in all the years she'd lived, he knew what to say and when to do it, and a conservative person like Jenna really appreciated that. It was just the fact Jenna never seemed to get used to goodbyes. She despised them with her whole being, because she never wanted her friendships to end abruptly and inconclusively. 

But life wasn't fair sometimes, and her step-mother used to tell her some people had it worse - her father had the opportunity to change jobs quickly to get better pay, and he did it all for his family, her step-mother also used to tell her. And Jenna knew it was true, but it was still somewhat exhausting and didn't change the fact she hated moving. But now, everytime her parents reunited the family at the kitchen table to announce the important news that they would be moving in a few weeks to the other side of the country, Jenna only nodded to every word they said, without telling a sentence more than a question here and there. Because, again, it was already exhausting and useless to make any fight, and Jenna knew the only thing she'd achieve to do, was to disappoint her parents.

Although it wasn't like her younger sister, Taylor, knew it too. That the older stayed quiet didn't mean there hadn't had to be a discussion on the table. In fact, it always did. Along the tears of Taylor and allegations that her parents had ruined her life. 

Jenna didn't understand why she had to do it everytime, but she blamed it to her hormones. Taylor had just turned sixteen, and, although Jenna was older just by a few months, she was more mature than her. Or maybe Taylor was just too childish for her age, the blonde didn't know.

Things were a little different this time, though. When Taylor found out they would be moving to San Diego in the ends of April, she started to ask questions about it and the school that made Jenna feel she had been just betrayed. Because Taylor didn't even cry nor get out dramatically of the kitchen, and that wasn't the Taylor Jenna knew.

But who wouldn't leave Poughkeepsie if they were given the chance? Jenna, of course, wouldn't. But she supposed everyone else would.

Jenna finished arranging her last box of belongings, her albums and records of her favorite bands were now delicately stored in those cardboard boxes, saving her things in boxes felt so deja-vu that made Jenna feel ashamed, she only hoped she had a city plant when she turned eighteen, but she could only hope.

Someone knocked on the door of her now empty room, but Jenna didn't say anything. She didn't pretend she hadn't heard the evident knock on her door, but neither showed a lot of interest to it, turning up the volume of her music. Someone cleared his throat, so Jenna turned her head towards the door, only to find a box with legs and hands - Taylor.

Jenna blinked twice before she removed her headphones of her ears and asked the reason for her visit.

''Cameron is here, Jen.'' The younger answered, sighing when Jenna put her headphones back. ''Jenna, come on, this is our last day here. What do I do with him?''

Jenna didn't answer.

''Yeah, okay, I get it.'' Taylor said moments later, smiling. Or at least, it sounded like she was smiling, Jenna couldn't say because the box on Taylor's hands covered her face. ''Cam! Come up here, Jenna is in her room!''

Jenna smiled in approval, sitting on her mattress to wait for her friend. It had come the time to say goodbye, then. The blonde knew it when she saw Cam walking towards her, the corners of his mouth quivered and his tough guy attitude was completely gone.

''Come on, princess. Are you missing me, already?'' Jenna asked jokingly, trying to ligthen up the atmosphere. But it only managed to make Cam approach her and suffocate her in his hug. ''No- Cam, come on, I don't get why are you so sad. Nothing's happening at all...''

Cam whimpered, still holding Jenna's body tightly, ''Stop pretending that nothing is happening, Jenna. You will leave, today. ¡To San Diego! And - well, that is very far from here...''

Jenna laughed, no one would believe his friend - that tank war, was so sensitive.

''California is only a few hours from here, we'll continue seeing each other, Cameron. And I'll come back once I turn eighteen, remember? I won't be gone forever.'' Jenna tried to cheer him up, she was trying to convince herself that everything would go fine.

''We'll do video-calls all the time,'' She continued, ''So you can tell me about your progress with the bass. And Whakaio's cute friend.''

Cam wasn't suffocating Jenna any longer, but he still had an arm around her shoulder, ''Actually, it is Jake's friend, Jen...'' He corrected, blushing.

''You have to promise me we will. And you have to tell me about everything that happens in San Diego.''

Jenna nodded , looking at him quizzically - she knew what he meant, ''Cameron, are you implying I wouldn't tell you if I found a cute guy there?''

''Whatever, Jen.'' Cam laughed.

''Okay... just remember I'll visit you on August. I don't wanna find out you'll leave to be on tour with Best's band.'' Jenna said seriously, although her eyes said otherwise.

Cam laughed again, shaking his head, ''No, Jenna, that is Whakaio's-

''Stop correcting me! Cry with me, or something.'' Jenna interrumpted him, frowing.

The older shrugged, hugging Jenna again, less strongly, but strong enough to suffocate Jenna.

Jenna wouldn't cry.

''I will miss you.'' Cam admitted, ''Don't make another best friend, Jenna.''

Jenna rolled her eyes,'' With my social skills, it will be hard not to do it, Cameron Adler.'' 

Cam shot her with his eyes, that I'm-talking-seriously look that Jenna knew quite well, so the blonde threw her hands in the air. 

'' I will miss you too.'' Jenna finally admitted, looking down. 

Jenna didn't want to admit it. 


Meh, it's just a bit of dialogue

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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