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I'm heading over to Jungkook's house to pick him up. We're supposed to be meeting the rest of the group at the mall to go shopping. Kookie was planning on driving himself but his car stopped working a few days ago so I volunteered to drive him. I don't mind it though. Anytime I get to spend with Jungkook is always​ great.

By the time I got out of my daze, I was already at his doorstep. I knocked a few times and waited for him to come out.



I was putting my heels on when I heard a knock on my door. As I walked across my hardwood floors my heels clicked across the ground. Making a soft noise. I opened the door to see Taehyung standing outside.

"Hi Taetae, let me get my purse then we can go."

He just nodded in response. I felt his eyes on me as I tried to grab my purse. It was a bit too high for me even with my heels. I had to get on my tiptoes to reach it.



Kook was having troubles reaching his purse. I was about to help him when I noticed that as he reached up his sweater went up, showing a lace trim. I could tell it was his underwear. I felt like a creep looking, so I turned my head. Looking around his living room.

After a bit he got ahold of it. I heard his heels clinking on the hardwood floor. Turning back to him to see him walking back over to me.

I stepped out of the doorway so he could​ walk past me. I reached for the knob and shut the door behind us. Kookie had already started walking to the car. Meaning I was behind him. Didn't mind though, it was a pretty nice view. He looked as gorgeous as ever.

Once we finally got into the car, Jungkook plugged his phone into my radio. Playing a bunch of music. Singing along with them. 

I smiled as his voice carried throughout my car. Justin Bieber's "Nothing Like Us" never sounding more beautiful. The sound was addicting. His little smiles coming out when he knew he had hit the pitch just right. I knew the memory of him singing that will forever be burned into my mind. Just like every other thing he does.



We got to the mall in about ten minutes.  Tae and I walked in, talking off and on. Mostly we were looking for the food court though. That's where everyone else agreed to go.

"Jin probably picked​ the food court," I said.

"With his love of food I wouldn't doubt it," Tae said with a laugh.

I felt eyes on me as we walked. I looked at Tae to see if he was the one who was looking at me, but he was looking in front of him. I turned my head to the right and saw two men looking at me. Nothing new, I'm a boy wearing female clothing. It has a habit of attracting attention.

We saw the food court a bit later. The intoxicating smell of different foods filled my nose. I searched for our group through the crowd​ of people. It wasn't as hard as you would think. Mainly because of their crazy hair colors.

We sat down at the table. The others were already talking, so we just waited. Once they realized we were here they smiled. Jin was obviously eating and while he was getting a bite of food he accidentally knocked over Jimin's fork. It fell in front of my shoe so I was about to get it but Jimin was already under the table.

"Ow, shit. Be careful Jimin, that was my toe." Yoongi huffed.

We all laughed at Yoongi's reaction. He has a soft spot for Jimin so he doesn't get as mad at him as he does the rest of us. However, Yoongi, being the grandpa he is, had fallen asleep and Jimin had just woke him up.

After a few minutes, we started walking around the mall. J-hope said he wanted to go to Rue21 to look at the men clothes so we all went along.

As we walked into the store everyone but me and Jimin went to the men's side. Jimin and I headed for the female section. Chimchim doesn't like the Rue's male section so he went to help me look instead.

"Look at this Kookie."

I turned to see what Jimin was talking about.

I turned to see what Jimin was talking about

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"That's really cute. I dare you to try it on." I said, smiling

"What, why?" He questioned

"Just do it, it'll be fun. I'm sure Yoongi would like to see you in it too." I whispered the end part so no one else would hear me

He blushed at that. Jimin has a secret crush on Suga, one only I know of. I had a tendency to tease him for it.

Jimin rushed to the changing room. I silently congratulated myself for actually getting him to try it on. Usually the teasing only gets me a punch and a small bruise.

I looked around some more as I waited for him to come out. I found a few cute dresses I decided to buy. Jimin came out a bit later. He looked pretty good in it. Then I saw his shoes and started laughing.

"What, what is it?" He asked.

"You're shoes," I answered while laughing.

"It's not my fault I don't have heels like some people." He said looking quite annoyed at me

"You can borrow some of mine. Go change out if it. You should buy the dress. Looks pretty on you." I said.

"Ok, and thank you, I guess." He said walking away

"You're welcome Jimin hyung."

I continued looking while he changed back. I heard footsteps behind me. I figured it was probably just one of the others so I turned around. I was surprised to see that it was the two men from earlier.

"Hello beautiful, what's a sweet thing like you doing here?" One asked

He stopped in front of me. His hands crossing across his chest as the other man just stared at me. A sick smile playing on the corner his lips.

"I, uh, um."

I couldn't form words. The men were getting dangerously close. The racks behind me soon stopping me from getting away.

"Jagiya, how's clothes shopping going?" A voice called

Tae walked up beside me. His arm circling around my waist protectively.

"Pretty good." I said back, playing along

"Who are these nice men?" Tae asked while looking at the duo in front of me

"We're no one really. We just wanted to tell him that sweater looks really good on him. We'll be leaving now." The second man said

"Ok, bye now," Taehyung cooed while waving to the men

Once they left I turned to Tae and hugged him.

"Thank you so much, Bwi. Those men scared the hell outta me." I said

"It's fine, I'm gonna go back to the others. Okay?" He said releasing the hug

I nodded in response, silently thanking God for that man.

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