Just an Ordinary Day

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Thank the heavens, God and everyone else involved in this very day. If you happen to be wondering what this day is, it's the LAST day of high school finally. I don't mean that last day of school when you know your going back next school year and see the same friends and your not so great enemies. I'm going off to college and its like a whirlwind adventure. Like, why does it seem like such a terrible adventure yet something that is so exciting.

The summer has just started and I know that today is just gonna be an ordinary day. I mean I am not the most popular girl in the world. I mean I guess it really shows because I'm sitting here on a nice summer day writing in a diary. My phone keeps beeping but, you ever have those days where you really don't want to pick it up? I'm just not so sure how my old friends come to play in this new life. Like we all know how people change and how they believe that you are supposed to change with them. This is the exact thing that has been happening to me ever since everyone has decided what college they are going to.

At my college I know absolutely no one and I will be in a whole different city. I guess I could probably use this as a chance to open up a little more and get to know more people. So, basically a fresh start for me, Noah Sedona. Now if you want to get to know me a little bit let me just tell you a few things. I'm about to be a freshman in college as you know, I'm 5"5' with hazel eyes and I'm single and I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to mingle if you know what I mean.

Life is actually looking up for me and I hope I'm actually able to meet some new friends and maybe someone who can take me out of my own comfort zone. Yeah, that's right I want to be someone more adventurous and able to open up to people instead of someone who sits in their house (dorm room) writing in their journal because they're not able to open up to people. But, I guess it's a great thing that I love to write because of what I want to do with my life. I always loved to write and I've always had a passion for it in fact. I feel like it is what I'm meant to do with my life.


After I finished writing in my journal I put it in the safest spot I could think of....under the mattress of my bed. Yeah, I know it's such a clever spot (sarcasm) I've had that same spot since I was five and it has never failed me. Not yet anyways. Tired from staying up to binge watch the Vampire Diaries all night really put a damper on my sleeping pattern. I slowly started to drift off to sleep until I was in a deep sleep, drool and all. I had this dream which was quite strange because I never really have dreams other than the darkness that consumes once you first fall asleep if that even counts.

I was in a room but notice how it was just a room not my own. It had this manly scent filling the room and it was quite intoxicating if I do say so myself. I looked around and it was a small room with two beds and posters hung up of the latest Victoria Secret models so, with these clues I could definitely tell you that this was not a girls room. Even though I had never really seen this place before I oddly felt comfortable in it. Almost like I was meant to be in the boys room even with the half naked girls that were hung up for display all around the room. I heard this deep raspy voice coming from behind me and while others would feel a little apprehensive about strange voices sneaking up behind them, I wasn't scared at all I was more so waiting for it. Or at least that's what it felt like. I heard him walk closer until I could feel the heat from his breath on the back of my neck.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered this in my ear.

"I...I don't know, I must be in the wrong room." I felt nervous because I didn't know who it was but comforted because his voice felt so familiar.

"It doesn't have to be the wrong room if you don't want it to be." There he goes with that dang whispering again. I don't exactly know how to feel about this, there was this tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach and I couldn't exactly decipher what the feeling was. Before I could even think about a response to tell him or even think about those previous feelings, I woke up from this weird dream. But, as the dream was fading away I felt his arms wrap around me in a secure hold around my waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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