46. Confrontation

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“Don’t touch me! You make me fucking sick.” Ally let go of my grasp and pushed me away. She ran towards the door and I was left in her flat with Kaley.

I turned back to look at Kaley. “This is your fault, you know.”

“Dan, now she knows, we can be together.”

I was so confused. Had she not understood what I was trying to say? “Stay the fuck away from me, Kaley! You’re acting crazy!” She shrugged and walked back into the kitchen. That psycho bitch! If she ever thought anything would happen between us, she was massively mistaken.

It had only been about 10 seconds since Ally had left the flat, I could catch up with her. I grabbed my shoes and tugged them on, not bothering with the laces. I ran down the hall and to the stairs, I couldn’t be dealing with waiting for the lift right now. I burst out of the main doors to the busy streets of London.

“ALLY?!” I shouted over and over, well aware that she probably couldn’t hear me, and if she did then she probably wouldn’t reply. I also then became well aware that people were staring at me and I was stood with just a t-shirt, boxers and converse on.

I didn’t care though. I looked left and right and decided to run right, it looked busier that way and she would definitely choose the busiest way to stay hidden. I ran down the street, studying faces as I ran, hoping one would be the girl I loved.

I looked everywhere, running around for about half an hour. I ran around the streets, around the park, searching until I was totally out of breath. I stopped at the corner outside the coffee shop that we had become regulars at. I peered inside and it didn’t look open, no one was there. Shit, I thought she might have come here this was one of my last places to look. After this I had no clue. Someone appeared from around the corner and I sighed in relief, she might be here after all. “You open yet, mate?” I called to the waiter as I opened the door.

“Um no, not technically but people tend to just walk on in here at the moment!” I gave him a questioning look and turned to leave. “Wait! Hang on, I know who you are!” Shit, a fan. “You’re cappuccino!” I looked at him again with an even more questioning look on my face. Okay, a mega fan. Some sort of creepy stalker. “Oh my god, I’m making a right dick out of myself, aren’t I? Sorry, you’re a regular, I remember people’s orders. Also, I think your girlfriend was just in here.”

“Ally?! What, you’ve seen Ally?! My Ally?! Where is she?!” I started moving towards the back of the coffee shop, looking around the corner for her.

“Woah, calm down! You’ve literally just missed her, she left less than 5 minutes ago, she was in here for a while.” I ran towards the door to leave. “Wait, before you leave, I know it’s not really my place to say, but she seemed angry and upset. I tried to calm her down as I realise some things get lost in translation and I think I got through to her. She left to try and find you, I think.”

“You spoke to her? Did she say where she was going to go to find me?”

“Yeah, for a while. She never said where she was going though.”

“Thank you for talking to her and calming her down! I’ve got to find her.”

“I hope it all works out for you!” He shouted as I exited the building. I liked that guy.

“Thanks!” I yelled back.

I picked up my pace and went back to Ally’s flat, hoping she would have gone back there. As I got up the stairs I saw her sat at her door with her knees up to her chest and her head in her knees. She looked so small, so vulnerable. I approached her and sat down next to her and she raised her head to look in my direction.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now