My Short Story (bl project)

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Christina was your average teenage high school student. She's on the track team, all A's and B's, honor roll student and was getting scholarships for colleges. One day Christina was at track practice and was talking to her friends Brendan and Dave while they jogged around the football field. They were talking about graduation and if they would do sports like they have been since they were freshmen.

Christina had long blonde hair, green eyes, was skinny, had been running since she was in third grade. She had a good life, great friends, loving family. She was always in a sport, volley ball, soccer, basketball, cross country, poms, track and gymnastics all within the school year. Her friend Ana was a freshman, she had long brown hair, bright green eyes and had been running since sixth grade.

Brendan and Dave are twins, brown hair and green eyes, they have been running since third grade. Brendan and Dave are Christina's closest friends and have known each other basically since birth. They were the reason Christina joined cross country and track.

Christina and her friends were doing their relay they got first place, they all got water to rehydrate on the hot day. Christina felt dizzy so she went in to the shade and got some water and cooled off. She was still dizzy after a half hour so Brendan drove her home. When Christina got home her mother took her temp and she had a fever. "Seems like the flu, how do you get the flu in May?" Her mother said.

Christina stayed home from school the next day, Brendan came over to check on her and see if she needed anything until her mom would be back from work. When her mom got home she took Christina's temp again, 103*. Christina's mom called their doctor and scheduled an appointment for the next day.

The next day Christina and her mom went to the Doctor, they did a check up and didn't see anything unusual other than the raging fever. So they took some blood tests and more advanced tests than you would have taken during a normal checkup. They left the hospital with some Ibuprofen for the fever to try and get it to go down. The doctor told them that he would give them a call once the tests were back and if her fever didn't go down take her to the E.R.

Three days later Christina's fever hasn't gone down, her mom took her to the E.R, they admitted her immediately and gave her lots of water to make sure she was hydrated. Christina's doctor pulled her mother aside to tell her the test results. Cassie ( Christina's mom) burst into tears, the doctor and Cassie told Christina the test results. She had leukemia. The doctor told them that she should go in to chemo therapy as soon as possible.

Christina and her mother went home so she could rest for the next day. Christina called Brendan and told him the bad news, he wanted to help but with school he wasn't able to do much. Christina started chemo that weekend, her mom dropped her off in the circle drive of the hospital. Dave and Brendan went to visit her and see how she was doing in general. Christina told both of them what was going on and that she wouldn't be able to do track any more until she's better. Christina got her hair cut and donated 12 inches to Locks of Love.

A few weeks after starting chemo Christina gets more bad news, the cancer was too aggressive, the chemo wasn't working, and if she didn't go in to surgery she would get worse and could die. She also found out she had a small but aggressive tumor in her heart. Christina and her mother decided that she would go in to surgery May 15th, a Thursday and a week until her birthday. Christina went home then and packed a bag for a few days because she knew she would have to stay there for a few nights anyways. While she was doing that she was watching her favorite movie, Toy Story 2, she need something to cheer herself up.

Tuesday morning she was feeling a little better and decided to go to school, to say her good byes to all her friends before she went in to surgery just in case something went wrong. On the way there Christina stairs out the window looking at all the passing cars. When she got to school she talked to most of her friends about what was happening, what could happen. Christina found Ana and told her what was happening, Ana noticed Christina seemed sort of depressed. Christina went to all her classes and didn't talk at all thinking of her family. Once lunch came around Christina was eating and didn't feel good. She threw away her food and went to the health room, her mom picked her up from school and took her home.

When Christina got home she collapsed on to the ground, her mother called 911. Christina was taken to the hospital by ambulance, while her mother waited she ran upstairs and grabbed Christina's bags and put them on the front porch. She called Brendan's mother and asked if she could bring Christina's bags to the hospital as they got in to the ambulance. When Christina woke up her mother was talking to the doctor. Her mother walked back in to the room and told her that they were going to preform the surgery in the morning. Christina started crying, she was worried that she wouldn't come out.

When she woke up the next morning she was prepped for surgery. She said goodbye to her mother, Brendan and Dave and all her friends, and was put under.

When the surgeon came out he pulled off his mask and gave Christina's mom a hug and told her that she had a stroke during the surgery and didn't make it. Cassie had to plan Christina's funeral, she wished her husband were there but he died a few years ago in a car accident.

This is for my balanced lit. Project :)

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