01 Fate

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In the forest, deep inside the rabbit hole, from the world of Wonderland, three teenagers can be seen hiding behind a bush, watching the villagers go mad and crazy over something they don't understand. Clearly, the mad Queen had already sent her minions and set the drug loose over the people.

"they're starting to get madder"

"you think?"

"yes, look at the way they move"

"funny, how come that you never consider yourself mad? Jack?"

"shut up Red!"

"what? It's true!"

"stop encouraging her, Goldie!"

"I'm not encouraging her Jack, she's just telling the truth"

"coming from the one who is mad enough to go inside someone's house and ate their soup"

"that's rich, coming from the one who is stupid enough to steal the harp and led a giant down here in our midst!"

"hey! I have chopped off that beanstalk before he had even a chance to wander around here!"

"still! You still stole the harp even if you already know that it could talk.... Or sing for the matter"

"coming from the 'smart' one who actually believed that it's her 'grandmother' who is lying on the bed!"


The three looked up from where they are hiding just in time to see a cat getting thrown by one of the people, only to land a few meters away from them and scurried away in a bush.

"poor kitten" murmured Goldie as she fixed her salmon skirt.

"hey! Don't sit on my cloak!" hissed Red, pulling her blood-red cloak away from Goldilocks.

Jack sighed as he brushed away his messy brown hair away from his face.

"oh how I wish that Pinocchio is here" he murmured.

Jack usually doesn't mind being on watching duty. Every time a village got attacked by the mad queen's minions by a drug (that is in a form of a fog or smoke) that could make anyone mad for less than a second if inhaled, it's there duty to watch the people and make sure that everything is 'almost' not getting out of hand until the antidote is sent.

As for Jack, he is always honored every time he got chosen by the queens of Wonderland themselves, for he treated this as a sacred duty, but if he was assigned with Little Red Ridding Hood and Goldilocks,we have a different Jack in our hands people.
The two girls seems to always team up and make fun of him whenever he was with them.

Red, who heard Jack's murmur, turn around and placed an arm around him.

"awww... Is wittle Jackie misses his wittle bestie?" she cooed, she then let out a laugh before adding; "don't worry Jack, after this, you and your friend could hangout all evening until your heart's content"

Jack rolled his eyes as he moved Red's arm away from him.

"sod off Red!" he said.

Goldilocks laughed.

"well, someone's on their time of the month" she said.

The two girls laughed while Jack glared at them.

A few seconds later, something furry intertwined itself on Gold's arm, causing her to almost scream if it weren't for Red who immediately brought up her hand and covered her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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