8:54 pm

16 0 0

Jack walks into marks house with mark and both take off their jackets and scarfs before placing them on a dark brown, wooden coat stand.

Mark walks over to the already made fire that he had made before he went to get jack and kneels down."Its good that I lit a fire before I went to get coffee with you". Mark says while throwing a log on the fire.
Jack laughs "well it is pretty lit."

    They both laugh a the bad pun.  Mark smiles, he's always loved hearing jacks voice.
   "I'm glad you're staying over, it's pretty cold out". Mark sits on the couch and jack sits next to him.
   Jack smiles " I'm glad you've let me stay". He puts his head on marks shoulder playfully and yawns " so cozy".
   Mark plays along and starts stroking jacks ' poofy ' green hair. " Aw darling, we could sit here in front of the warm fire all night". Now he ruffles jacks hair and they laugh. " this is why I like when you stay over coz you're so much fun and I never get to spend time with you".
    " So are you mark, you're fun too". Jack feels marks jumper. " I think this is the softest jumper I've ever felt. Like literally it's so fuckin soft!"
    Mark looks at jack and notices that he's shivering a bit and hugs him. " Hey your shivering. Are you cold?"
    " I'm a little bit cold." He confesses and puts his arms around mark in a hug.
    "You also look shattered."
    " Yep I'm a little of that too."
   " Wait here"
   Mark rushes up the stairs then down with a blanket and a few pillows. He manages to slide past jack and falls over on to his back. Pillows go flying and the blanket traps him from moving.
      "MARK!" Jack runs over to him and kneels next to him. " Mark! Are you alright?"
      Mark moans " jack.."
      Jack sighs with slight relief but is still concerned. sleepingly ( the only that popped into my head)he tries to untangle mark from the blanket.
    "Mark are you hurt?"
     Mark moans and grunts as he struggles to free him self and sit up. After some time of wiggling about and a lot of grunting he finally manages to sit up.
    "Well that was something. I'm a bit achey, I did just trip over myse..." he looks up to fide jack asleep agents the wall.
     "I've just realised, You look good even when you're asleep. I'm just gonna say this now... I got feeling for ya, but your not gay". Mark says quietly to him self
     Mark walks over to jack and begins to carry jack to the couch. "Now jack, to the couch!"
     Jacks eyes shoot open and jumps at marks couch announcement. " Holy Jesus! I'm awake I'm awake!" He looks at mark as he's placed gently on the couch. a blanket is draped over him and pillows put under his head.
     "Thanks mark."
      "I didn't mean to wake you." Mark smiles
    "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I couldn't keep my eyes open and I jus-"
     "Jack, it's alright. you've been out side in the snow all day." Mark put his hand on jacks shoulder. " Are you still cold?"
      Jack nodded
     "Want a drink?"
      "Yes please."
      "OK " mark smiles and heads for the kitchen
      " Hey mark?"
      Mark turns to face jack. "Yeah?"
      "Are u alright? Your not hurt from falling, are you?"
      Mark walks back to jack and looks into jacks eyes which are filled with concern "no, I'm fine jack"
     They both smile

Authors note:  this is the first fanfic I have made. I have wrote more but have yet to type it. All chapters are opened with the time. I would like to carry on with this fanfic and I hope you want me to.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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