Mine FaitsuxRakutsu

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I don't own the picture or the characters just the story's.

Looker's pov:

'Finally' I thought 'It's all over'

It was a while after the battle against Ghetsis and we won.


Wondering what a handsome man like me is doing? I was walking around the field, checking up on the others, and surveying the damage for a report.  Though I was looking specifically for two people. I soon found them.

As I walked closer to them I saw Superintendent, Rakutsu, with his head on the lap of the Team Plazma girl, Faitsu. Faitsu turned her head to me as I got closer, but Superintendent had his eyes closed. I thought he was asleep, but when I got closer his eyes snapped open. I slightly recoiled back when I saw the intensity and coldness in his eyes, the look was intensified by his piercing red eyes, but they slightly softened when he recognized me.

I raised a hand "H-hello sir. I was just coming to check up on those in the battle and bring reports" I eyed them nervously or more I eyed Superintendent nervously

Superintendent raised his head and waved his left hand in greeting, that was when I noticed it

"Um...sir...why are you handcuffed to her?"

"Hmm?" Superintendent's eyes flickered to the handcuffs then went back to me "I can't have her running away and starting another Team Plazma now can I?" His voice had an edge to it, warning me to watch what I was saying

"Uh, I guess so sir" My eyes flickered to Faitsu to see her slightly roll her eyes at his reply. I knew why he handcuffed him to her, if he wasn't so intimidating then I would have probably commented on it, but with the way Superintendent's eyes burning into mine, daring me to...I don't really want to be the one under his fire. Besides doing that would probably cause me my death sentence.

"Well, uh, I guess I'll be going now" I gave a bow and hurriedly walked away feeling two gazes burn into my back, one intense and cold, the other softer, kinder, but intense nonetheless.

No One's pov:

The former Team Plazma member and the Superintendent watched as the man walked away.

Only when the man was a good hundred meters from them did Rakutsu closed his eyes and lay his head back down in the lap of the girl he loved.

Faistu watched for a while longer before turning her gaze to boy whose head was in her lap

"Really?" She said quietly. It held a bit of disbelief and amusement, but was filled with affection reserved for few

The boy opened his eyes and looked up at the girl. Gone was the coldness, but in replace was love, warmth, and affection. He was silent for a few moments then cupped her cheek and brought her down into a kiss. It was soft, but within that single kiss was a thousand words spoken for them and them only. When they broke apart they looked at one another full of love. Rakutsu gently rubbed his thumb on her cheek. Faitsu leaned into his hand closing her ocean-blue eyes.

"Yes really." He said simply

"Why?" Faistu asked opening her eyes


"That's not an answer"

Rakutsu sighed, but smiled. He leaned over and buried his face into her neck and inhaled.

"Because I don't like to share" He said it so softly she nearly didn't catch it, but when she did a small smile came to her face

"Is that the only reason?"

"...because what's mine is mine only" he said the last part in a whisper

"I see"

Rakutsu placed his head in her lap again and closed his eyes

'Really,' he thought 'no one's taking Faitsu from me. Not now. Not ever. And for those who do. Well, watch your back, sleep with one eye open, and make sure to lock things well. Though, I doubt that it'll help. But still I don't like the sound of someone else being with Faitsu' He tensed at the thought but relaxed when he felt Faitsu gently brushing her fingers through his hair.

'Yeah.' His grip on her tightened as he felt her gently hug him'Faitsu is mine'

Ok I wanted to make Rakutsu kind of possessive over Faitsu because he's usually portrayed as a charming, serious, and over all sought after so I wanted to have him as a loving, possessive, and kind of dark figure. Faitsu I wanted as someone who wasn't as afraid of everything and the whole Team Plazma wasn't such a big deal as she always seems to be tense and wary, so I made her kind of at peace. If you don't agree with me that's fine, but don't be too harsh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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