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Whether you grow up in a small town or a big city everyone wants the same thing. To find someone to love you. I don't care if you are young or old no one wants to be lonely. Especially when you grow up in a small town in the south. Where I am from it's not too small but it feels that way. Growing up in Rome, Georgia you go to school with the same people. You meet new ones when you go to middle school, and you think to yourself that this will be the year you get a boyfriend. Unfortunately this book would be very boring if it was that easy, so that brings us here; I am Eden Clark. Today I move back home. I have been away for 2 years at school in South Georgia but didn't want to leave the beach. I decided that I would go to school my junior year of college at one local to be home so I can help out my parents. When you leave for college everyone says you'll meet your soulmate, but for me none of the old wise tales have worked; boy I sure wished they did. As I pull into my parents driveway I bring the car to a stop and say to myself "No matter what you have to do, you will get your happily ever after." I get out the car reluctantly because when I step inside I will be bombarded with hugs and questions. That's just how my family works. As I open the door a I hear a loud yell,  she's here. I see my sister come around the corner, full force for a hug. It was weird since my sister wasnt the hugging type. She had just come back home from college also. I knew something had changed but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad yet. As I say my hellos and get settled in I realize how tired I was from the drive. I decided it was time for a nap.

I must have been really sleepy because I didn't wake up until the next morning. I was the first one up which is unusual because my brother always beat everyone up. As I'm sitting on the couch watching tv my mom comes in and sits down. "You know we have that get together at the church today right?" She asked me, I shake my head no. I get ready for whatever today can bring and think to myself what is the worsest that could happen. A couple hours go by and everyone is dressed to go to the church. I decided to drive my car to the church. When we get there it is packed. I never had imigned our church to be full again but it was. I couldn't believe my eyes. As I made my way to an empty table I passed a table full of people, they all looked alike so they definitely had to be related. As I made my way past it I caught a glance of one of the guys that looked pretty good. I sat down at a table in the back so that I could stare at this handsome guy from afar without him seeing. As my family joined me my view got blocked but I didn't care much because he was too good looking to take interest in me. As the night progressed I would see him walk by several times and smile but I convinced myself he wasn't. Finally he came over and sat down at the table and was talking to my brother. I paid him no attention to his face but definitely watched him as he sat on the other side of the table from me. When we got back home that night mom kept asking me what I thought about him as we had our midnight snack. Something then should have thrown me off but I didn't give a deep enough thought to it then.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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