My everything

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Your so special to me honestly it's just u have this thing about you, when Im With u I don't fake my smile, truth is I think about u often I miss your voice I miss ur smile that I get lost in, you've honestly showed me that not everyone in life is gonna hurt you but some may actually care and love u that explains u u really care about me and u really love me and I'm so lucky to have u in my life I have this thing for u and I don't think it will ever go away I just can't be without you my soul got so attached To you I'm not me without u any time I'm not with or talking To you I'm just sad everytime I write I always end up writing about you honestly I've never been in love before you, and If u were ever to leave me I don't know what I'd do everyone leaves me and u haven't and that means so much I know ur going thru thing too but I'm trying to help u get thru it and it's hard cause I feel like I don't make u happy but your perfect inside and out your personality ur smile ur eyes everything about you is just perfect and I cant stand to lose you your my everything I hope that we last forever, everyone says at this age there's no forever but there will be with us, your flaws are what make u perfect but there not flaws to me, you don't understand how much really mean to me, there's nothing I'd ever change about you. Your honestly such a blessing, your the only thing that can heal my pain u don't even know every since I've been with u I've been much happier and I'm not the only one who noticed it, you've just made my life the best it possibly could be, I'm in love with you everyone knows and it's hard to explain how much I care for u because there will never be enough words in the world that could ever explain my feelings for you, I just am happy I can make u stay alive but I can barely ever fall asleep at night knowing ur suicidal because of me I could write a whole book about you, no one can ever take your place, I hope a few years from now we will still be together and be even happier and more in love I want to spend my life with u I believe your the one and I hope we last, I don't want anyone else but you, you just have this thing about you I never knew what love was cause no one else ever showed me, I got too attached to u and now I can't bare to lose you, I feel like I can be myself around you no one else comes before you, I love you through everything I'm so happy your here to stay and not leave me like anyone else I just hope u don't hurt yourself anymore. Please don't because I never want u hurt and thats why I try to make u go to sleep on the phone every night because I don't go to sleep unless I know ur safe asleep because all I think about is what if something happened to you I'd be my fault and if something happened to u I couldn't go on 🙁 because ur my everything I know u don't think you are but u are id do anything for u or to see u happy I'd take a bullet straight to the head for you, I'm not the type to play u either because if I have someone so perfect why mess that's up honestly just the thought of us not being together I break down, these 2 almost 3 months have been the best time of my life we've had our ups and downs yes but we get thru them together I can't lose you I'm deeply in love with u I'd do anything for you id risk my life for yours and if anything were to happen to you I wouldn't be able to live anymore I'd die from a broken heart 😢but anywhoo lol I can't be here without you, I'm living for you my life is based on you there is no way to explain how much I really love you I love you more than anything in this world but you are my world 💍

you don't understand how much mean to me but as I sit here and fall more and more in love with u I hope I'm the only one you love and dream about at night you're all I need, I just want to make u happy but everything will be okay I know sometimes we get mad and sad cause of eachother but it will all be okay and I'll make u feel the make me feel the best person in the world u make me feel so special honestly and it's hard knowing that sometimes I don't make u happy and sometimes u hurt yourself over me because ur too good for me I'm honestly not worth hurting your self over your so much better, u mean everything to me once I saw u I thought u were bomb (u are) and nice but now that we're together it's honestly so much more than that ur amazing your the best thing that's ever happened to me when I met u it was the best day of my life and nothing can or will ever change that and it's hard to imagine my life without you honestly u made my life the best it's ever been, you love me for me and that's the best thing I could ever ask for 🙂 at first I couldn't even get out of the pool in front of u because I was so insecure but Now I don't even have to worry about that because you showed me that you don't love me because I'm cute (u think I am but I'm really not lol) u love me for me and no one else has ever done that, u thought me that not everyone will use you but love you for you, you really make me complete with out u I'm not beka im unbeka lmao but honestly I've never been in love until I met u, I wish I was with u everyday u don't even know you keep my heart beating 🙁 everyone makes fun of us for being a couple years apart but obviously they don't understand love, if I could I'd spend every day with u there's no other way I'd chose to use my time, I get goosebumps every time I'm with you, my friends say I'm stupid and I should break up with u but I don't care what anyone says because I'm honestly in love with you, I know u don't see it but your perfect you have a cute ass smile ugh I love it 🙂 but anyways I wanna be the one to make u happy and I want you all to myself everytime I see you I just wanna be with u forever I never wanna leave ur side and I lose track of time when I'm with you, I just want the best for you and if any girl every tries to get at u and I see them ima cut there throat 🙂but I love you like no one else ever will I love you more than anyone else ever will and I can promise u that Your the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't ever lose you I love you so much 💙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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