Chapter One

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"I just don't understand how science works! Like, what is this 'inertia'?"

"Roman, do I really have to explain this to you again? It is when an object is resistant to its change in motion."

I roll my eyes. All this "Newton's first law" and "An object at rest stays at rest" stuff is really irritating. "How will I use this in real life?" I inquiry, "I am a prince, after all."

"Do not ask such foolish questions, Roman." Logan states, "It is vital that you understand life and all it's branches. Science is more interesting than you initially think. I, personally, believe that science is a very intriguing subject that can honestly teach you so much."

I stare at my tutor. Is he trying to get me to actually enjoy science? I snicker. "I still don't see the reason why I need to learn all this stuff. It seems so...useless to me."

I look up to meet Logan's eyes. For some reason, he seems, sad. "Well I guess that concludes our lesson today, Roman. I will see you tomorrow, and remember to do your homework tonight."

I sigh out of relief.

"Also, remember to sleep earlier tonight. I can practically see the bags under your eyes."

Smirking, I respond, "No need to worry about me teach, I'll sleep a good 8 hours tonight."

He walks to the door and makes his way out. Stuffing my face inside my pillows, I let go. All the frustration and pressure vents out. It's too much. Too much for me to bear. I lay on my back facing the ceiling, trying to regain my composure. Faint mumbling seethes out of the cracks of my door. Curious, I press my ear to the door to listen. It was Logan. He was talking to someone, but who? I push my ear to the crack and listen closely.

"I have to be honest with you. Educationally-wise, he is not fit to be a king."

Is he talking about me?

"His math and science skills are dreadful to look at. He cannot even do mere 6th grade math, let alone science."

Are my skills really that bad?

"His writing and reading skills, however, are off the charts. Considering he's a 23 year old adult, his writing skills are quite remarkable."

I didn't think my writing skills are THAT good. Guess all those books and Disney movies did help.

"But I do not think those skills compensate for his lack of knowledge in science and math."

"I see." replied a low, raspy voice.

Dad? Was he talking to Dad?

"As a prince, he should be a role model to his peers. People must aspire to be like him. If he cannot leave that feeling inside of people, then I'm at a loss at what to tell you.

I sigh. All these expectations of being a prince is hard. I glance over at my clock. 6:31 P.M.

"You really must talk to him. If he's unable to raise his grades, I'm afraid he will not be able to live up his expectations as prince of the Vigilant."

Ugh. Prince? Vigilant? It's all too much. Too much pressure. Too many expectations.

"Thank you for the information, Logan. I will discuss this with Roman later. Until then, I will see you tomorrow."

They say their farewells and Logan dismisses. Knock. Knock. Knock. Realizing what position I am in, I rush to my bed and flip open my book. "Come in!" I shout. The door creaks open as the person steps inside. Father.

"Roman. We need to talk." he abruptly declares.

Trying my best to look puzzled, I respond, " For what reason, Father?"

"Don't play dumb Roman! You know why I'm here, don't you?"

Slightly taken back, I try to scrunch my face in confusion. "I'm sorry Father, I am at a loss. I do not understand."

"Your grades, Roman. They're absolutely terrible."


"You're absolutely pathetic Roman. A disgrace to the family. Your mother would be very disappointed in you! Why can't you be me, huh? The greatest king that ever existed! How do you think I fe-"

My eyes lower to the ground, ears blocking out Father's rant. This is the third time today that he has lectured me about this shit. Ever since mother died, he has never been the same. Suddenly, A sharp pain strikes my head. I wince in pain as I look up to see Father standing overhead.

"Are you even listening to me Roman? I'm giving you valuable insight into your future and you just ignore me? Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. You're a disappointment Roman, an absolute shame."

"I-I'm sorry Father," I stutter. "I promise to be better." Hot tears begin streaming down my face.

He huffs a puff of air through his nostrils and starts his journey to the door. I place my hand on the wound, only to flinch at the sudden surge of pain. Dad stops at the door and looks back at me. " Remember Roman, you have fencing lessons at 7:30," He states in a whisper. Pausing for a moment, he adds, "I love you." Flashing a small smile, he vanishes into the corridors.

"Why does he always do that" I whisper to myself. I wipe my tears into my sleeve. My head aches at the soreness the wound gives. I glance at the clock. 7:02. Groaning, I make my way to my fencing bag and take out my appropriate attire. While I change, I hum a soft melody, "Colors of the Wind", from Pocahontas. When I conclude the song, I make my way down the corridor. Murmurs echo through the hallway.

"Isn't that Roman, the Undefeated?"

"Yeah! He's NEVER lost a duel to anyone."

"Did you hear that the teacher is scared of facing him? When asked, he said he wasn't permitted to, but we all know he was just intimidated."

The murmurs lowered when I arrived at my destination, the training room. When I enter, the room is deserted with only my teacher standing there.
"Looks like you're the only one, Roman." He states.

"I am, aren't I?" He walks to the sword stand and tosses a sabre towards me. It lands on the floor, creating a racket of noise. He takes a sword for himself and positions. I reluctantly taken my blade and position myself.

"Ready Roman?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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Never Meant To Be (Prinxiety) (Thomas Sanders)Where stories live. Discover now