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- PeonyClan -

Darkstar - large dark gray tom

Ravenstream - attractive, lean black she-cat ;; Apprentice,  Sweetpaw

Lilymist - long haired, calico she-cat

Healer Apprentice: 
Smallpaw - small, white she-cat

Fuzzshine - fluffy white she-cat

Caretaker Apprentice:
Blackpaw - black tom with scar on flank

Nightfur - tall black tom
Icewing - large white-and-gray tom with a bobtail

Assassin Apprentice:
Olivepaw - pastel calico she-cat

Stormstrike - large gray tom with many scars ;; Apprentice, Cheetahpaw
Shadowfall - lean gray tom with twisted tail ;; Apprentice, Skypaw
Turtlenose - tall, tortoiseshell she-cat ;; Apprentice, Frogpaw
Clayclaw - large, rude, hazel-gray tabby with scars and large claws ; fiery amber eyes Juniperleap - thin gray she-cat
Sunspark- dark golden tom ;; Apprentice, Flarepaw
Ivypelt - attractive she-cat with gray tabby and white fur; striking green eyes

Guardian Apprentices:
Frogpaw - speckled brown tom
Cheetahpaw - spotted Beige she-cat
Flarepaw - russet tom with yellow eyes
Skypaw - blue-gray tom

Ebonygaze - black she-cat with beautiful yellow eyes ;; Apprentice, Tigerpaw 
Blackberry - black-and-white she-cat;; Apprentice, Whiskerpaw 
Swiftfeather - attractive black tom with distinctive white chest and paws ;; Apprentice, Grubpaw 
Rabbitear - tall tan tom with large ears and long tail
Appleblossom - light, ginger tabby she-cat with white patches and pretty green eyes

Quester Apprentices:
Whiskerpaw - gray tom with large whiskers
Grubpaw - small white tom
Sweetpaw - pretty tabby she-cat with distinct, yellow-ochre fur color; striking amber eyes
Tigerpaw - large brown striped tom with tipped ears and large paws; noticeable scars on flank and face

Frosttail - thin, light-gray she-cat
Brownleap - brown she-cat with long, fluffy tail
Pebblewish - Lilac point Siamese she-cat with beautiful blue eyes

Icekit - white tom
Snowkit - white she-kit
Daisykit - white-and-cream she-kit
Milkkit - creamy she-kit
Hazelkit - gray-and-white spotted tom
Burntkit - russet and brown tom
Cypresskit - longhaired Hazel tom
Nutkit - small brown she-kit

Cricketcloud - bulky gray tom with torn ears and one blind eye
No-tail - once-handsome black tom who lost tail in battle

- OrchidClan -

Poolstar - pretty, blue-gray she-cat

Bearclaw - large brown tom with large claws and a short tail ;; Apprentice - Speckpaw

Rivershade - blue-gray she-cat with striking blue eyes

Healer Apprentice:  
Creampaw - cream-colored tom

Specklestep - small, speckled tan she-cat

Caretaker Apprentice:
Clearpaw - pretty, speckled light gray she-cat with pale blue eyes

Redstem - tall russet tom
Lostleaf - black tom with white markings and speckles along back

Assassin Apprentice:
Yarrowpaw - Beige tom with curly fur

Toadfur - scruffy tan tom ;; Apprentice, Willowpaw 
Doevine - lithe, speckled brown she-cat ;; Apprentice, Speckpaw
Canarytuft - pretty golden she-cat;; Apprentice, Bluepaw 
Whitecoat - long haired, white tom
Quilpuddle - large gray tabby tom with scars and long claws; long fur and fluffy tail;; Apprentice, Lionpaw

Guardian Apprentices:
Bluepaw - blue tom
Willowpaw - long haired silver tabby she-cat
Lionpaw - majestic golden tom
Speckpaw - attractive speckled gray tom

Stickjump - lithe Hazel tom ;; Apprentice, Thistlepaw 
Nightbreeze - handsome dark tabby with striking blue eyes;; Apprentice, Curlpaw 
Firecloud - long haired russet/ginger tom
Robinsun - Hazel she-cat with russet markings and pretty yellow eyes;; Apprentice, Butterflypaw 
Duckfrost - long haired gray tabby she-cat;; Apprentice, Tallpaw 
Tawnyface - tawny-and-brown patched she-cat with fluffy fur and pretty green eyes ;; Apprentice - Frostpaw

Quester Apprentices:
Thistlepaw - mottled tom with needle-like claws
Tallpaw - tall silver tom
Curlpaw- beige she-cat with curly fur
Butterflypaw - beautiful she-cat with speckles and stripes, and calico colored fur; pretty green eyes
Frostpaw - handsome speckled white tom

Littleminnow - pretty speckled gray and silver she-cat with beautiful blue eyes
Morningsong - black-and-white she-cat with blue eyes

Troutkit - large gray tom
Silverkit - thin silver speckled she-kit
Goosekit - speckled gray tom with long fangs
Cloverkit - pretty light gray she-cat with pretty green eyes
Stripekit - dark gray tabby tom
CloudKit - light gray fluffy she-cat
Iriskit - silver tabby she-cat

Vultureflight - brown tabby tom with raggedy fur and a snagged fang
Dovespirit - thin, tired white she-cat with once-pretty blue, now blind and gray, eyes
Smalltoes - orange tabby tom with small feet and ears

Badger - large black-and-white she-cat with a crooked jaw, many scars, and a cut-in-half tail ; very dangerous
Soot - attractive, lithe, speckled gray tom with amber eyes

(Main) Rogues
Shatter - large brown tabby with scars on flank and long claws ; owns rogue group
Scorpion - tall, lithe black tom with dashing yellow eyes ; in rogue group

Sprinkles - small brown tabby she-cat with pink collar
Momo - spotted she-cat with purple collar and bell
Cupcake - intimidating gray tom with blue collar and large fangs; often wanders away from Two-legplace but IS owned by Two-legs


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