Chapter One

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This story starts off when Lizzie was younger (16) and more happy BTW
: Chatter
Yam's POV


Yams:What Beth is it about vidcon again?

Beth:Duh its my first time going

Yams:Well I'm gonna be at least be able to meet your Friend Tiffy

Beth:and I get to meet you for the first time

Yams:yeah your right good night 😴😴




Beth left the chat

Yams:GEEZ you scared me for a second

Yams left the chat
Beth's POV (aka Lizzie)

Omg I need to start packing for vid con oh how is Yammy gonna look like I need to know. Once I got in the car I went to Callums house to get him,Tiffy,And Oli.*HONK*

get in the car!! Tiff:Okay soccer mom

*laugh* *laugh* *laugh*

Beth:Shut up Tiffy

But who's talking?


Yup so you beth shut up

That was the time I got hurt in the car Callum and Oli where making paper plains and they made it fly in the front seat I'm happy. Tiffy didnt get it poked in her eye because I wasn't driving at the time she was.So I got hit with paper in my eye!OW!OW!OW!*SCARRRT*

Tiffy:Are you okay beth?

Yeah I think so

Tiffy:Here have some ice for that eye

Wow what a joke tiff at this time haha so funny!*mumbles*not OW!

Tiffy:Omg let me see your eye this happened to me once puss ozzed out of it I had to go to the hospital! A lot happened

Lizzie's mind: "puss ozzed out of it" she had to go to the hospital


OH what Tiff

Its fine you will be fine

Beth good

Yammy's POV

Yam:Koil I'm worried about Beth what if she got in a car crash

Koil:She did not get in a car crash Yams right Joel

Joel:Yeah don't worry about Beth she'll be coming


That's the end of the chapter

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