The Fabric of the Forest

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Senses awakening with the smell of timber

It's sweet and fragrant

Its source, trees

Standing individual and proud

Their trunks, with battle scars

Like those of an old war veteran

Are strong and mighty

The colour of raw earth

The roots, a strong foundation

Very thick and broad

Worn from the many years


Their branches

Stretching in the morning sun

Uncurling from their night time slumber

Tickled by the sun

Their leaves, a giant canopy of silhouettes

Framing the solemn sky

As clouds creep over the painting

Rain trickling down

There's another smell

It's cool and calm

There are shrubs

They are much smaller than the trees

They're crawling up

Hungry for attention

Their flimsy branches reaching out

Desperate for acknowledgement

They look up to the trees

Who are comfortable on their own

Whereas the shrubs need others praise

There's a subtle saltiness in the air

It's the moss

Just a parasite hitching a ride on the rocks

Who just want to roll with the wind

Who just want to be

They are static but important

They ground the whole forest

But the moss just doesn't let go

Then the flowers peek out, the smallest of them all

They are quiet

Silent beauties


I was inspired by the Australian forest to write this poem. I wanted to write it about the social structure of high school. The trees represent the people who are confident, know who they are, and might be popular. The shrubs represent the people who try so hard to be cool or popular, almost too hard. The moss represents the people who cling onto other people. The rocks are neutral people who are just themselves. The flowers are the people who are special and  just don't stand out because they are not confident or shy. Just because I wrote this poem to portray these ideas it doesn't mean that what ever the poem meant to you is wrong.

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