Night Sky (Anxiety x Reader)

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You had spent the entire day with Thomas, Morality, Logic, Prince, and Anxiety. You helped Thomas and his sides with a fee videos. When the last video was finished you realized how dark it had gotten outside. Thomas offered to let you stay the night at his place, which you happily agreed to. It meant you got to be near Anxiety. No one else knew of your crush on Anxiety, and you were okay with that. You were too nervous to tell Anxiety about your feelings for him, so you kept the feelings to yourself. Thomas was sitting on the couch talking with Prince and Logic, Anxiety was sitting on the stairs scrolling through Tumblr, and Morality went to the kitchen to make dinner. You decided to help Morality cook dinner. A small part of you wanted to help with dinner only to impress Anxiety.
"Hey Patton." You greeted him as you walked into the kitchen. Morality already had numerous items covering the counter. "Need any help with dinner?"
"Hello Y/N." Morality smiled as he greeted you. You noticed that the ingredients Morality had covering the counter was for a homemade pizza. "Thomas can't afford to buy pizza right now, so I promised to make a few homemade pizzas for him. I have no idea what I am doing."
"You are speaking my language right Now, Patton." You said as you rolled up your shirt sleeves. "You just leave dinner to me. Take a break or do something."
You ushered Morality out of the kitchen while he protested. He offered to help you make dinner, but he would only be in the way if he tried. You would have to teach him how to make homemade pizza another time. You spent a fair amount of time making everything as perfect as you could get it. You were covered in flour, sauce, cheese, and other pizza toppings. You set the table. You placed the pizzas in the middle, then called everyone to dinner. They all grabbed a few slices of pizza and started eating.
"This tastes so amazing!" Thomas shouted in excitement. Morality, Logic, and Prince nodded their heads in agreement. Anxiety stayed quiet and continued to eat. "This is the best pizza I have ever had. Where did you learn to cook like this?"
"I learned to cook growing up." You replied to Thomas. Your mother taught you everything she knew about cooking. She always told you the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. "It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it."
You went back to the kitchen and started cleaning up. It took quite a bit of time to get everything cleaned up, including the dishes everyone brought in after eating dinner. By the time you finished cleaning up everyone else had settled down in the living room. They were all watching The Little Mermaid. There was no room on the couch for you to sit, so you sat on the floor to watch the movie. A fee Disney movies later and everyone started heading to bed. Once you were left alone you decided to go outside. You found a nice spot in an open area and laid down in the grass. You enjoyed watching the stars. It always relaxes you and makes you feel calm. It was an escape from reality. An escape from all your worries and concerns. You focused only on the bright, beautiful stars above you. Completely amazed by the stars you didn't hear the footsteps slowly approaching you.
"What are you doing out here, Y/N?" Anxiety asked you as he sat down on the grass next to you. You jumped when you heard Anxiety's voice right next to you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine, Virgil." You said as you sat up. You smiled slightly once you noticed how close Anxiety was to you. "I wasn't tired, so I came out here to look at the stars. What are you still doing up? I thought you went to bed."
"I'm Anxiety, it's not that easy to sleep when I have too much to worry about." Anxiety spoke softly as he looked up at the night sky. He looked entranced by the beautiful sky above you. Anxiety looked peaceful and calm. Your stomach growled, which caught Anxiety's attention. "You didn't eat dinner, did you?"
"Well, no, I didn't." You admitted as your stomach growled again. You were embarrassed, because your stomach sounded like a dying whale. "I was too busy cooking and cleaning up everything. I will be fine, though."
You watched as Anxiety stood up and walked back inside. You sat there confused. You began to sorry that you said something wrong and upset him. You sat in silence until Anxiety returned twenty minutes later. He was holding a plate with sandwiches on it. He sat back down beside you and held the plate out to you.
"I didn't know what you liked." Anxiety said as he gestured to the sandwiches. You looked down st the plate in Anxiety's hands. There had to be at least ten sandwiches on the plate. "I made two of everything we had. It's not much, but it's something at least."
"Thank you, Virgil." You said as you picked up a sandwich. It was one of your favorites, so you happily ate it. Anxiety also picked up a sandwich and ate with you. "This is really nice of you to do."
It was silent for a long time. You didn't know what to say. You have spent plenty of time around Thomas and his sides, but you never really talked with Anxiety for too long. You would make jokes and have really short conversations with him, but nothing more than that. Anxiety never showed any interest in getting to know you. It always hurt you that Anxiety always brushed you off. Sometimes you felt that Anxiety hated you, possibly even more than he hated Prince.
"Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?" Anxiety spoke up as he turned to face you. You nodded your head yes. "Are we close? Are we friends, I mean?"
"I like to think we are." You responded truthfully. You fiddled with your shirt nervously. "Though, there are times where I'm unsure. Sometimes it feels like you hate me more than you hate Roman."
"I don't hate you, Y/N!" Anxiety shouted as he spoke frantically. "I think we are friends too. Besides, there is no one I hate more than Princey."
"That's good to hear." You said as you laughed. Anxiety smiled as you laughed. "That you don't hate me, I mean. And that you think we are friends."
You and Anxiety talked for hours, until the sun came up. You hadn't realized the sun came up until Thomas came outside. Anxiety disappeared into Thomas's mind when Thomas invited you out for breakfast. You and Thomas were only gone for a hour before returning back to Thomas's house. As soon as you both walked through the door Thomas's sides returned. They popped back up in their usual places, then went their separate ways to do their own things. Logic went with Thomas and Prince upstairs to work on an idea for the next video. Morality went into the kitchen to bake cookies and make plans for lunch. That left you and Anxiety alone in the living room. Anxiety looked nervous about something, you weren't sire about what.
"Virgil, are you alright?" You asked Anxiety as you took a step closer to him. You reached your hand out to place on his shoulder, but he flinched away from you. "Is something wrong?"
"No, I'm fine." Anxiety said, moving away from you. He wouldn't even look at you. "Everything is fine." Anxiety was being distant again. It was like last night never happened. You grabbed your bag and started walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" Anxiety grabbed your arm and forces you to stop. You looked back at him, causing him to let you go.
"What has gotten into you, Virgil?" You asked, turning to face him. He looked down at the ground as you spoke. "Last night we talked all through the night and got closer. Now you won't even look at me. Did I do something wrong?"
"No, Y/N, you didn't do anything wrong." Anxiety said as he finally looked up at you. "I'm scared, Y/N, because I love you. I'm scared to ruin our friendship and lose you."
"You love me?" You asked shocked. All you could do was stare at Anxiety. Your silence made Anxiety shift uncomfortably. "Do you really love me?"
"Yeah, I do." Anxiety answered truthfully. "I've loved you for awhile now, Y/N. I was always too scared to tell you before, but after last night I thought you felt the same way I do. It gave me a little push to tell you."
"Well, you are right." You said as you smiled at him. Anxiety's face lit up with excitement. "I love you too, Virgil."
Anxiety leaned forward and kissed you. You kissed him back immediately. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before you heard squealing. You broke away from the kiss and looked in the direction the squealing was coming from. Morality, Thomas, Prince, and Logic were all standing at the bottom of the stairs. Morality and Thomas were the ones squealing like school girls, while Prince was jumping around excitedly. You laughed and leaned against Anxiety, who was now blushing. You were so happy as Anxiety held your hand and smiled at you. You never wanted this moment to end.

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