1 | Things go perfectly right (or horribly wrong)

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"Things go perfectly right (or horribly wrong)"




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Tick...tock...tick...tock...time was going so slow. It was like my last class of the day was six hours long.

Normally, I'd be focusing intently on the lesson, especially because chemistry was my favorite class in school. However, my mind was anywhere else today.

Actually, no, my mind was on one thing and one thing only, which was Principal Bader's decision.

Since July, Coach Johnson, the school's football coach, has been training me to see my capabilities after I showed him my video.

My school, Bear Mountain High, didn't have a women's football team, not because they didn't want to create one, it's because no one would join except for me.

I started asking if they could train me and judge if I was able to play with the boys's team right before the last week of my junior year. At first, I was greeted with immediate disapproval. However, after a lot of persuasion and fighting, they agreed to let me try.

Coach Johnson was skeptical the first few days of training, but he warmed up when he saw that I could handle being yelled at and being tackled. I had trained with his sons, Eric and Lucas, who were both playing for UCLA.

Now, after an entire month of training, Johnson was convinced I'd be the best Quarterback Bear Mountain High has ever seen. All he needed was for the principal to agree to let me play with the boys' team this season.

It was my final chance. If I don't play this year I can kiss my college football dreams goodbye. I couldn't lose this opportunity. I needed to f—

"Daisy. The answer?"

I looked up at my chemistry teacher, Mrs Brown, who looked at me with pursed lips, arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I admitted in defeat.

It was the first week of school. I didn't have the energy to take school seriously yet, I was still in summer mode.

Mrs Brown sighed. "This is your first warning, Ms Adams. Pay attention in class."

I nodded in embarrassment. She then redirected the question to a boy whose name is Kyle I think.

I looked at the clock, just to see that only five minutes had gone by. There were still twenty-five minutes of class left.

Tick... tock... tick... tock...

I'm going to smash my head onto the desk.


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