Bisque I have a plan March 1st

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She stretched her arms out on the floor uncoiling her personal map of the town.
"This is it Bis, it's the perfect plan. I can feeel it!" Exclaimed Mesa.

Bis sat on the bead staring at a magazine as Mesa spoke. Mesas smile always made Bis happy but in his mind he truly knew this probably was not the perfect plan, in fact it was the third plan this week and he knew once again he would be dragged into the woods for another camping exploration trip with her. But it didn't matter what they did he always enjoyed it.
"Do you understand Bis?'
Bis suddenly snapped back to reality after realizing he did not hear a word she said. He opened his mouth to speak when a knock from the ceiling interrupted him.
Mesa let out a lazy dramatic sigh that signaled that she did not want to get up, so Bis plopped his magazine on the bed and awkwardly stood up.
He carried himself across the room, up the latter, and opened the the secret ceiling door.
"Hello Bis." Said a cheerful woman's voice.
"Hi Mrs.Jacket."
She smiled so long it could rap around Texas and her eyes were so squinted everyone doubted she could see, but her smile was definitely very beautiful.
"Not many people have been coming in to get books today so I thought I'd go on break for a bit and make you guys some snacks."
"Thank you Mrs.Jacket."
"You know you can always call me Misty." She smiled and handed him the tray of snacks.
"Thanks mom!" Shouted Mesa from below.
Bis lowered himself down the ladder with one hand and the tray in the other.
"You know, your mom is pretty cool. Always so nice." Said Bis as he placed the tray on the floor by Mesa and walked to the bed.

"Yeah, we all totally see you as family. She has to be nice to family, right?"

"Ha, I guess." He responded weirdly and for the rest of Bisque's afternoon they talked about Aliens

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