The Dog

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You were driving, coming home from the supermarket when your favorite song comes on the radio you burst into song: Whoop um gangnam style ahhh sexy ladies. when suddenly you hit something but you dont know what because it is to dark for you to see you check that no one is coming and you get out of your car to see what you hit. You go to the front of your car and find that you that you hit a dog. You pick it up with a blanket in your trunk not knowing if it had rabies. you then text your boyfriend who is waiting for you at home :"sorry babe being held up at the supermarket might be home late." you later get a text saying "k, see you soon"  you then start to speed to the nearest vet. you show up and its closed freking out you try to think of a soulution the dog going slowly realizing you have no other choice you take it home. your boyfrined looks at you like your crazy when you walk in with a dog in a blanket. you try to tell him the story but he wont listen so yo just take care of the problem yourself. th next day the dog is much better when after you fed it and gave it water and helped with its broken leg.

                                                                            -1 month later-

The dog is up on its feet again and you and your boyfriend broke up and the dog became your best friend. you named it Sadie. the dog is just a normal dog. you found out that the dog is 10 years old meaning that he only has 2-3 years left in him you were disopointed when you heard this but you decided just to treasure those 2-3 years. 

                                                                            -3 years later-

sadie is very lazy right now and you know that shell be gone soon. she has arthrites so you know she cant move very well anymore. you to to work and when you come home sadie is no where to be seen. you run upstairs calling her name when you find she is no where downstairs. she is laying on your bed not moving. you yell at her "sadie!!!!" she jumps up and stares at you. you later go to bed that night sadie at the foot of your bed. you wake up the next morning exausted from not gettng enough sleep thinking about the sadie on your bed insitent. you get up get dressed and say sadie want to go for a walk sadie doesnt respond.  you think to yourself thats weird she always responds to that. you walk over to her and sit down he doesnt look at you. you start to get worried. you listen for a heartbeat.... there is no sound you grab her and run to your car you speed to the vet. they rush her into a room where you are not allowed to go in. a "nurse" comes out and tells you that she has good news and bad news she tells you the bad news first. " ma'am sadie is dead we tried to save her and keep her alive but we couldnt." you get on your knees and start to sob. the lady begins again "ma'am dont worry i have good news too, it turns out somehow that saie was pregnant and she was able to save the baby dog inside of her right before she died. she then asks if you would like to see saie and her pup. you reply in a shaky voice "yes" they bring ou sadie and you burst into tears again. you pick up the pup and cradle it in your arms you think to yourself you look just like your mommy. you later name the dog sadie jr. thinking of how much she looked like her mommy sadie and then you start to call her miny sadie because she was so small. you knew you would have fun just like you did with sadie.

                                                                     -The End-

                                                              made by TicTockTaco123

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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