Untitled Part 1

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"Okay, I want to start a sexual assault support group for just the men in Emerald City." Sister Peter Marie says.

"What good is that going to do?" Warden Glynn asks.

"A lot of good. Peter Schibetta is coming back to EmCity soon and he's going to need other friends. People who know what he's going through. Not to mention it could help with Cyril O'Reilly's violent outbursts." The sister says.

"Fine." Warden Glynn says.

"And I want Franklin Winthrop transferred to EmCity. The Aryans are obviously abusing him and its best he get as far away from them as possible." Peter Marie says.

"That's fine with me." Tim McManus says.

"If that's all then, you may all go." Warden Glynn says.

"Sister?" Tim calls.

"Yes, Tim?" Peter Marie answers.

"This support group. I want Alvarez in it." Tim says.

"Why would you want him be a part of it? He's never been sexually assaulted." Peter Marie says.

"Yeah, except I'm thinking he was. During his last stint in solitary." Tim tells her.

"By who?" Peter Marie asks.

"I think it was the CO's. He won't say but just the way he acts. I know."

"I'll see what I can do." Peter Marie says.

"Thank you." Tim says exiting the library. Peter Marie starts the walk back to her office. Now all she's got to do is convince Tobias to go to these meetings. Not for himself he had already dealt with what happened to him. But to help the ones still dealing with their abuse. She walks into her office, Tobias sitting at his desk.

"Hello, Tobias." Peter Marie greets him.

"Hi, Sister." Tobias says smiling at her. She pulls up a seat next to him, "What is it, sister?"

"I'm starting a support group for people who have been sexually assaulted specifically for the men in Emerald City. I would like for you to come." Peter Marie states.

"Why me, Sister?" Tobias questions, "I've already dealt with what Schillinger did to me. I've accepted it."

"Yes but others aren't so lucky you see. Now I think you can really help these men." Peter Marie says.

"How? How can I help them?" Tobias asks.

"By telling them they aren't alone. This has happened to you and things get better." Peter Marie explains.

"Alright, I'll come. But you include Andrew Schillinger." Tobias says.

"Fair enough." Peter Marie says, "First sessions in an hour. Be there."

Meanwhile in EmCity in McManus' office:

"No! No, Cyril isn't going; he's already dealt with the rape! I don't want him to have to relive it!" Ryan screams.

"Did he really deal with it or do you just think because he doesn't have nightmares about it, he's dealt with it? Ryan, whenever anyone touches him in the wrong place he goes on the defensive." McManus says.

"Fuck. You really think this could help him?" Ryan asks leaning against the chair.

"Yes, Sister Peter Marie thinks it will, trust her, Ryan." McManus says. Ryan nods to him. "Officer." Ryan is let out of the office by the officer. He makes his way down the stairs towards Cyril and his cell. Cyril sitting on the bed bouncing a ball.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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