chapter 9: the

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the years went by. husk and doorframe keepd playing mario cart. they got better and better. they were the best of friends. but one day, everything changed.

"were is husks" said doorframe 2 satan. "husks fucking died" satan said. wow doorframe was devastatated.a he can't believe hussk fucking died. he didn't evn know how that was possibel cause he's in hell and every1 is ddead. fuck,,,... so he went into another state of depression. now he has no 1 to play mario cart with.... fricking HECK... he was so sad he didn't even want to eat from sonic the restaurant any more.. bc they have REALY good ho t dogs. doorframae rememdnder to write in his diary.

"fuckign hell im so sad. i wish i could be important lolmao" and doofrme was sad 4ever...

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