Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

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The cold air caressed her porcelain skin as she was slowly stirred awake. The moment her confused green eyes caught sight of what was displayed in front of her, she froze.

There was dried up blood along the side of her leg and as she turned her head quickly to the right, she realized where the blood might have came from.

Scrunching up her nose in pain, the young latina gingerly traced along the side of her temple where it pulsed with discomfort.

“fuck.” Lauren muttered as she flinched once her fingers came into contact with what she assumed was a gash to the side of her head.

The raven haired girl shivered once another small gust of wind came from the now broken window she looked out of beside her.

The broken glass was a dead ringer to Lauren for whatever caused this cut.

When she pulled the handle to the door, all you could hear was the sound of glass beginning to scatter along the floor.

That was until she heard something else. A groan.

It wasn't a groan of pain either. That's what scared Lauren. It was more like a groan she'd hear come from a mummy off of scooby doo.

Without a second thought, the young latina unbuckled her seatbelt before slowly but surely getting out of the car.

What Lauren thought was going to happen was her getting up on her two feet and walking away to find help since she had been in a crash. That hadn't been the case though, instead she was met with a face full of floor and glass the moment her legs betrayed her.

“fuck fuck fuck fuck.” Lauren screeched as she laid completely still. She didn't want to take any risks with a shitload more cuts on her body so instead she laid there hoping someone would come by. She lifted her head the highest it was allowed before spotting a sign I5. She sighed hopefully as she realized it was a pretty busy highway.

Being content with that, Lauren rested her head back down but perked back up when she heard a low grumble.

“hello? Is anyone there?!” she asked as she started to become wary.

In return, she only received another grumble. That grumble was followed by an inhumane sound that the Latina wasn't going to take any chances on.

With all the strength Lauren could gather up, she pushed herself up off the floor, palms and knees diggings into the tiny shards of glass.

“shit.” Lauren said as she clenched and unclenched her fists feeling the cuts she knew she'd endure.

All the pain was quickly forgotten once she saw what was ahead of her.

Her eyes couldn't even decipher what she was staring at. All she knew was that the gruesome figure before her would definitely never be forgotten. Ever.

She didn't even know where to begin. His missing eye? The eye he still has that's still trying to hang on? Or the exposed teeth he had from the lack of lips? Or flesh for that matter. She didn't have time to think of a plan since she was still in awe of this guys fucked up situation going on. She couldn't even move. She was too in shock to react to it as it pinned her body to the side of the car. All she could get out was an “oof.”

She gagged at the smell of death on him. The rancid stench was all it took for her to finally come to. That was when Lauren proceeded to scream. At the top of her lungs. Her throat was dry, it felt like the equivalent to a desert.

When she realized screaming was going to be no help, she put her muscles to work as she tried the hardest she could to push this guy away.

When that proved to be no use either, she closed her eyes, ready to accept whatever was going to happen next.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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