Targo the amaze

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Once there was a brilliant man by the name of targo. He was originally raised by a dingo and emu gay couple during the great emu war. This was a hard time for targo, as his emu father was shot. He lived on with nothing more than his fathers feathers on his back. When the Australian heat and ravening kangaroos became to much for targo, he jumped into the ocean and swam to America. When he got there, it had been so many years that he had the muscles of the most amaze man alive. He emerged from the water to a crowd of people taking pictures and trying to touch his pulsing muscles. The world was going to shit and Donald trump was trying to fix the world debt by taking away health care benefits.

Targo did not know what health care was. If he had it, perhaps his emu father would not have died from that fatal gun shot. From what targo could see, the only solution to the worlds problem was to run for president.

As the year 2021 came around, targo started a campaign with his main quote being "Reee vote  for me!" He had the perfect tactic, he would guilt trip everyone by talking about his dead emu dad. If that did not work, he would simply promise everyone a free sketch of their sona if they voted for him.

Sure enough, targo won the election and became the best president that ever lived.


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