The new war

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I wiggle hips on the track, in quoting of body suants, shining and soaked in alcohol in very types. A glass in my right hand and my left hand on a torso burning and sweating as others. I leave in my body a complete and rare freedom, a rhythm of the music having a danse with me as slowly and sensually as the more or less explicit music broadcast in this club.

Some will take me for one of these girls who go to box only to finish in the toilets of these with a man alcoholized for most time. Where I know even that there are persons who think that I get paid to return some sexual services of order.

In my big happiness, I make nothing of it, this man, isn't incidentally and I dance even less with him by pleasure.

Its tattoo on the forearm representing a head of death shows me that my prey is well the one for that I waited. When he came to become established in quoting of me in the bar, I right away didn't have point out its tattoo, it is only when he took it away the black jacket by dancing that I am in order say that I had a donation to attract these men until me.

Only, a problem settles.

How to kill it while so much from Crip are united in the same place?

Indeed, the members of Crip never go out the only, in really leave those tested in battle and believe me, personal experience, they are very strong.

I turn the head and I meet two eyes of an intense black who would almost make me shudder.

I notice some instants the owner of these nice eyes and I am not really disappointed of what I see. Dark brown hair cut short on the quoting, a fine mouth but dew, by fine features and a right nose, dressed simply but what is terrifically irresistible on him.

The pullover hitched up up to the elbows lets appear two arms entirely tattooed except for the palm of hand and for fingers, in spite of the fact that it is sat, the broad shoulder leaves easily guessed a body of dream and its jeans and his boat blacks go to it just as well.

I see him eying me in its turn for some seconds which seem to me very long and a small smirk set up on these lips. I look away for to me concentrated once again on my mission.

This small visual pleasure was agreeable to see but my gang passes long before the adventure of evening.

Yes, I know that I have say that I wasn't this type of girls but it not there in that the bloody idiots who don't change the mind..

I position my mouth in quoting of the ear of Crip with which I dance and whisper it in the ear sensually that I would really like to go out from here. He accepts but we head for the man that I have detail the preceding instant. I stop to some metres of him and his band while my companion of dance greets it by saying to him something that I can't unfortunately hear.

Then all this small world here gift are others than Crip? There must be of it a dozen in seeing of eye, my companion comes back and we set off of the exit while he greets these friends last time.

It is a pity that the mysterious and splitting man with the splendid eyes makes left this gang..
[He will have seen them at least last time before dying] I thought I walk in front of him by preparing my attack in my head.

Once arrived in an alleyway adjacent to the club, I stop dead and turn to my future victim but I had envisaged in no way this reversal of situation. Indeed, Crip had a revolver in the hand and aimed currently at my cranium.

"Since when Blood tries to sleep with Crip?"

His question surprises me but I don't let appear the slightest feeling and let only a smile set up on my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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