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so hi guys, i am SO SO SO sorry about not posting at all for 46633883117 years (estimation) . or posting art . i just haven't felt like anything tbh, i have this virus at the moment and it makes you vomit profusely. it sucks. and i haven't gotten to do the things i love! like taking care of my animals, cleaning the duck eggs, chilling with the rooster (in the photo above) who doesn't stop doing that 'cock-a-doodle-do' thing , like ever. and i live in a busy part of town so chances are we will have to get rid of him, which also gets me down because i've raised that little dude since he was a day old! and now he's about 3-4 months old.

 and i live in a busy part of town so chances are we will have to get rid of him, which also gets me down because i've raised that little dude since he was a day old! and now he's about 3-4 months old

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these are from the day we got our 3 chicks (unfortunately 2 passed away at about a week old 😭)

these are from the day we got our 3 chicks (unfortunately 2 passed away at about a week old 😭)

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Anyways sorry about this 'rant-ish' thing of me complaining about my life. yeah.
peace out,
feel inspired,
and don't be all 'depreso' like yours truly. 💚

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