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Hello everybody. This is a new story I am going to write. Please fan, and share me(: Thanks!




Pain.. It's all I could feel as my mom slapped me across the face. I looked at her, tears in my eyes. I thought mothers were supposed to  love you, take care of you? I guess I was wrong. I looked around in hope to see my father, brother, sister, anybody who could get me out of this beating. But I have to stay strong, for them. I have to protect Adrian and Cory.

I tried to cover my face with my small hands to weaken the next blow. *SMACK* The stinging pain in my cheek was nearly unbearable. I tried to stand, but was forcefully pushed back down.

"Sit down, and stay still bitch!" My mom screamed at me. I stared at her with my big greean eyes and wiped a tear away. I shook my head in fear and tried to back away on my hands and knees. She grabbed my left foot and dragged me back, causing me to bash me head against the coffee table. 

I felt warm, sticky blood run down the side of my face, onto my shirt and carpet. My moms eyes flooded with anger as she saw the fresh blood dripping on her white carpet. My eyes went wide with terror as I realized what she was going to do. 

"Go get the whip, and baseball bat, NOW! You are going to pay for this, then you witll clean it all up. Understood bitch?" She screamed at me. I nooded my head and slowly got up to go get the bat and whip. This was going to hurt, but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of me begging her to stop. Not anymore, not ever again.

I walked around the corners and opened the closet. Turning on the light, I nearly screamed. There lay my little brother in a pool of blood, unconscious. No.. I shook him, and shook him. He moaned quietly in pain, but didn't wake. I would have to help him after the beating. I picked him up, and carried him to my room. I put him in my closet, covered him up, and locked the door. I hope she doesn't find him. 

I went and got the whip mand bat and came back to the living room. I sat the weapons down and went to the posItion. Standing in front of the fireplace, I braced my self. I heard her get up, and pick up the whip. I slowly pulled up my shirt, revealing my already scarred back. *WHOOSH* I heard the whip, just before it made contact with my skin. Wincing, I closed my eyes shut and tried to stay conscious. 

"That's what you get, for being a bad girl." She said quietly. I felt the bleeding start to slow, and sighed with relief. At least I won't die from blood loss. I felt the blood slowling oozing from the slice in my back. *WHOOSH* I felt the next blow hit my hip. I tried to sit still, but couldn't help squirming.

"Mom.. Please stop.." I whispers in pain. I heard her drop the whip, and pick up the bat. Oh no..

"Stop? Why would I do that?" I could just see the evil grin on her face. God help me..  *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* 

"I'll put the stuff away, mom." I said, sighing with relief.

"Okay. Thanks hunny." She said sweetly. That little..

"Your welcome." Was all I said. Putting the stuff away, mom went to get the door. I ran to my room and locked the door. I slowly walked to the closet and opened it up.

"Cory.." I whispered to my unconscious brother. He groaned quietly, so I knew he was still alive. "It's okay. Sissy is going to help you." I lited him up, and laid him oon my bed. Looking around, I found the first aid kit I always had nearby. I opened it up, and grabbed bandaids, gauge, tape and aclohol wipes. 

Cleaning up his injuries was the easy part. I wrapped some gauze around his head, and taped it there. Then I put bandaids on the worst cuts and scrapes. Flipping him over, I laid pads on his back, and taped them there. The lash marks were deeper than usuall. What did he do? Now, to wake him up, and give him pain killers. 

I took out some alcohol wipes, and held them under his nose. Covering his mouth, I made him breathe in through his eyes. I saw a tear run down his cheel from the smel, and his eyes fluttered open. I smiled at him sadly, and helped him sit up.

"Hey buddy. How you feeling?" I asked him quietly.

"I'm okay. But it hurts a lot." He said quietly back to me.

"Don't worry. I'll go get some medicine. Where's Adrian?" I asked him, suddenly worried.

"At a friends house. She won't be back until Thursday." He said.

"Okay. I'll be right back. Go hide in the closet, just in case." I whispered. I ushered him into the closet, covered him up, and locked the door. Slowly, I walked out into the living room.

"Hey mum. My tummy hurts, I'm going to get some medicine, and go do my homework." I said, making sure our visitor heard me.

"Okay hunny. Onle one for now." She said smiling sweetly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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