Unknown: Hey sorry, I just got a new phone, and I don't know anyone's number, but I was wondering if this was Ross....
Kelsey: Oh no I'm sorry, I don't think I know you
Unknown: Sorry! What's ur name tho?
Kelsey: It depends.....
Unknown: On what?
Kelsey: What's yours?
Ryland: For now all you have to call me is R
*Kelsey changed Unknown to R*
Kelsey: Ok, R, I'm not secretive so I'll tell u my name, I'm Kelsey
*Ryland Changed Unknown to Kelsey*
R: Beautiful name, does it go with a beautiful person ;)?
Kelsey: You'll have to wait to see (; xx
R: So does this mean I'll get to text you again?
*Read at 1:17am*
Ryland has only talked to this girl for a short time and already he was falling in deep. This stranger had been so kind to him when he texted a wrong number, it was almost strange to receive kindness nowadays. All he could hope is that Kelsey felt the same way.