Chapter 1

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3rd person pov

It was dead of night while most of the isle was asleep the daughters of two of the isles most feared villains maleficent and the evil queen were laughing maniacally whilst heading back home, they had snuck out while there parents were asleep to have a little "fun" which to them was breaking in to  into cruella de vil's home and covering her favorite furs with  slim, and other substance native to the isle. The girls laughed and nudged each other playful.

"Oh man" mal laughed "cruella is going to be so pissed when she wakes up and finds her babies are ruined!!" she hunched over in laughter and struggled to keep her balance.

"I know she gonna be all like ,"MY BABIES MY BEAUTIFUL BABIES THERE RUINED RUINED I SAY!!!!!!" After that mal completely lost it and fell over laughing in the ground.

"SHUSSHHH" evie whispered yelled at her trying with  a finger over her lips trying with all her might to contain her own laughter. "my moms gonna hear you"

"SHUSSHHH" mal repeated and put a finger over her own lips. She hadn't even noticed they had arrived at the gigantic castle evie and her mother called home, evie told her she sometimes gets lost in it herself, or wanders into a room she's never seen before.

"Good night see you tomorrow" evie whisper and helped mal off the ground. Mal dusted her self off and began to walk away.

"Night" she called looking over her shoulder, she softly chuckled to herself when she saw evie climb an old , creaky ladder that ended right infront of her bedroom window at a snails pace. Evie barley acknowledges her she was two focused on climbing the old creaky ladder and trying not to make a noise her mothers room was right above hers, and evie was terrified of waking her mother and having to face her wrath. It was apparent from the look of fear in her eyes and little beads of sweat running down her face, and the constant pauses made each time the ladder mad a noise.

Mal's pov
I continued to head my usual route home but I decided to take a short cut threw the docs. Ibarley ventured into the docs any more after my falling out with shrimpy a few years ago we barley talk anymore. The air was salty as usual with he ripe smell of fish guts, the only sounds were my boots hitting the gravel and waves crashing down on the rocks on what was a sad excuse for a beach. I came to a stop when she heard a loud a sigh and a dumpster open she spun on her heels in the direction of the noise. To my delight standing behind Ursulas fish n chips was that little brat of hers shrimpy she seemed to be in a bad mood and mumbling to herself perfect I thought my lips curled into wicked smirk as I approached her I did wander why she was up so late though.

Uma's pov
I sighed I was working the night shift at my moms restaurant I started a month ago on my 13th birthday my mom forgot if course I don't even think she knows when my birthday is my older sister used to work at the restaurant and we split the work but they all left to attend dragon hall without telling me purposely leaving me to do all the work I hate them with every fiber of my being. My mom told me to empty out the grease traps in the dumpster out back I was mumbling to my self about how I hate everything and how my life sucks when I heard foot steps coming towards me l look up and instantly scowl my archenemy and ex friend mal standing infront of me with a wicked smirk.

Mal's pov
Before I have a chance to say anything Uma looks up and drops the grease trap to the ground "what do you want" she spat her voice dripping with venom "isn't it past your bed time" I tease before walking closer to her so where only feet apart.
Her scowls stays for a few seconds before transforming into a sweet and innocence, beautiful smile and let out a giggle.That completely threw me off guard the was she could go from I will rip rip your heart out of your chest to having the innocence of an infant in a matter of seconds unnerving but I  wasn't going to let it show and let her win. I quickly threw on my game face and smirk at her slightly taking a step back.

Uma's pov
I notice mal back away so I walk closer to her my smile only gets bigger I can see right though her smirk she was nervous and uncomfortable. She continues to walk away each time I step closer we don't break I contact she fails to notice the wall behind her and backs into it I stop walking but don't lose my smile I can see mal smirk be replaced with confusion . " running from mommy again mal "
I playfully pout. She furrowes her brow at me but keeps quiet

Mal's pov
I was so foused on uma lips I didn't notice the wall until my back hit it she stoped walking at that point but her smile got bigger and more innocent if that was possibly I saw her mouth move but I couldn't hear over the sound of my heart beating all I notice was a small pout she made I furrowed my brow at her trying to understand why she was pouting she then smiles again and giggles. " you seem distracted mal you ok" she ask she was still smiling at me she was a very good actress because the way she asked made me believe she really cared.
I stumbled on my words before saying "ye... ya Yes" she walked closer to me we were only inches apart her brow was raised she looked confused her eyes had softened she opened her mouth I felt a knot in my stomach "m- she was cut of by her mom yelling " UMA!!!! how long does it take to clean a damn grease trap?!!!
She sighed before yelling "I'm almost done!" "so quit your yammering" she mumbled
Uma was on of the only kids on the isle who wasn't complete afraid of there parent she had something that most kids on the isle lacked courage. The courage to talk back to there parents or defy them. I lacked the courage to do so and admired Uma for being bold enough to do so. She looked in my eyes for a moment before turning around and continuing to clean the grease traps I silently watched her I didn't move or make a sound. When she was done she went back inside and left me standing there in the dark alone and confused I didn't know what to think of it I started to walk once my heart had calmed down I lowered my head in shame.

3rd person pov
Mal felt something with Uma that night and it wasn't the first time She had had this feeling with her ever since She was 9 that was the same year She decided disnace my self from her She missed her a lot but I didn't let it show because on the isle things like love were frowned upon and were believed to be weak and lead to your down fall She always got a knot in her stomach around uma she just convinced her self uma made her sick to her stomach but deep down she knew it was not the case . she headed home and buried the memory of that night deep in the back of her mind and still got the same felling around uma but still didn't stop tormenting her with the nick name shrimpy as if she thought hurting her would make herself feel better and make the feeling go a way. As mal and agrew up mal was chosen to go to auradon with 3 others from the isle evie, jay,Carlos uma was furious she believed it was because she was not chosen which was partly true she was furious because mal was gone and left her nothing she didn't say she was leaving or say goodbye Uma couldn't help to hate the feeling of knots she got from thinking about mal.
Mal's plan to steal the wand included making Ben fall in love with her she knew she needed a love spell she thought she wasn't capable of making anyone fall in love ugh her.
After mal chose good and her relationship with Ben was revealed at the coronation it made uma furious the knots in her stomach mal had Been giving her since she was young were replaced by waves of anger and rage.
Mal liked Ben she just didn't love him should couldn't love him or any other man, while in auradon she saw so many people in love and asked some of them to describe what it felt like and each person described something different something that She felt with Uma at one time or another.
Mal had a fight with Ben I felt like I was becoming something She was not, they broke up Mal fled to the isle know one knew she had left and she planed on keeping it that way. Mal ran into harry she used to "date" him if you can even call it that he brought her back to Uma harry took his side next to her they stood so close the were sharing personal space they talked for a bit and she made it clear that the isle hate mal's guts and so does she her words didn't effect mal what did was the way harry ran his hook threw her hair and how she let him, Mal later found out that Uma and harry were an unofficial item on the isle and it's Ben that way since she left. Mal was crushed the feeling mal had for uma never quite went away but uma had lost her feeling the day of the coronation, she barley remembered the feeling was ever there

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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