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• Swearing is allowed! If you do not want to swear, tell me!

• Please do NOT control my character, unless asked!

• You can be as many characters as you want (other than the character I am, which I will tell you in the forms), but you can only have one or two OCs! (1 or 2)


• Fill out the entire form! If you do not, I will not except

• Please fill out the forms like this:


Name: Takashi Hannah Gekalesu

Age: 18

Gender: Female

(Rest of form)

And so on! (No I will not use that character, it was just an example

• If you don't want to have an OC, tell me which emotions you want to be! (Roman/Prince, Patton/Morality/Dad, Logan/Logic/Teacher, etc)

• Your OC must be an emotion!

• If you don't want to have a certain emotion in the roleplay, please tell me! (Example: Missy/Misleading Compliments)

• There will be emotions that, at this time, Thomas Sanders does not have in his videos. If you don't like that, then, tell me and I won't roleplay it with you!

• Use punctuation!

• Use more than five (5) words in your comment when roleplaying with me!

• I will be referring to all the emotions as their real names. So Logic as Logan, Anxiety as Virgil, Morality as Patton, and so on.

• Have fun!

(That was long, okay XD)

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