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The young child blinked, looking around the area as she struggled to get to her feet. Her eyes wandered, looking for some short of being. But nothing, nothing at all but the blinding light of this white void. Once she got to her feet, she stumbled back. Blinking.  Holding her hand out in front of her being before holding it close to her chest. It wasn't long until she was gain more confident in walking around. She wobbled, taking a few steps forward before collapsing onto the ground. The body she was taking form in was the weakest. Truly, it will gain more strength other time. But for now, the only thing she could manage to do is focus on walking.  She got up quickly, determined to find a way out of here. There has to be a way out. She told herself. Taking a small step, before another, and another. She didn't even make it to four steps before she was back at the ground. The child whined, shaking slightly as she looked at her hand, clenching her hand into a fist. Standing up with determination in her eyes. She took one small step, almost tripping before gaining balance once again. The girl smiled, taking another one, and other one. She wobbled, smiling with victory as she made it a ways from where she began.


The child's eyes widened, covering her ears as she looked around. Desperately trying to find the source to the sound. It wasn't then until she realized, she turned around. Facing an opening where music was heard. She blinked, before slowly making her way towards the sound. Crossing her arms as she stopped in front of the exit. She took a deep breath, leaning into the new area as she took a step in, looking around as she let out a sigh. Homey.  She smiled slightly, looking around at the area. It was a kitchen. She tapped the counter and the tables as she looked around. She sniffed slightly, before turning towards the table. Food. She tilted her head, attracted to this sent. She grabbed ahold of the bowl, sniffing it as she looked around. Before walking towards the counter and sitting down, leaning against it. She was total out of view of who ever will enter.  She drank the warm liquid. Her eyes widened as she drank some more. After awhile, she was finished. She put the bowl back where she found it and trotted over towards the door way. Looking around as she kept quiet. The music was louder as she made her way down the hallway. Once she was at the end,  she was welcomed with a living room. She looked around, touching the couch. It was soft, and warm. She pushed her face against it as she smiled. Before suddenly the music stopped. She sneaked,  looking around. It was silent like the void.  "Who are you?"  She turned towards the void. It was a skeleton. Ink marks on his checks and his eyes changed diffrent shapes when he blinked. The child stepped back, getting ready to run back to the exit. "No, no, no... it's okay. I won't hurt you.. just how did you get-" without another word the child turned and ran towards the exit. Tripping a few times, surely the skeleton followed close behind her. "Hey! Wait! " He yelled, making the child squint. She jumped towards the exit... only for it to close right in front of her. She smashed her head into the wall. Falling back down to the floor. Her eyes watered, as she rubbed her forehead. A hand gently tapped her on the shoulder, she quickly turned around, flinching when she realized he was right there. He kneeled down, staring at her. "Who are you..?" He asked, once again. She opened her mouth, nothing came out but a small whimper. "Oh... I see." He mumbled. " you came from...the anti-void?" He mumbled, frowning. " well... my name is ink. " he said, slowly forming a smile. " And don't worry... I'll protect you." He smiled, patting the child on the head. She flinched, but slowly gave in.

❝ White Void. ❞━ caretaker! ink x readersWhere stories live. Discover now