Jungkook's one shot

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It fell so great to have a boyfriend like Jungkook. We've been together for 6 years and I know they're still friends with his ex, Woori. Woori was Jungkook's first girlfriend. I know that it is his privacy but I'm very curious so I open his phone and check all his social media accounts and even messaging apps.

I saw his conversation with his best friend, Jimin;

Jungkook: Hyung I miss Woori

Jimin: are you crazy!? That's not the proper action, how about Nari, you girlfriend? It seems like you're already cheating on her!

Jungkook: I don't know hyung, I love Nari and I know that but Woori. She's my first love

Jimin: Hahahhaha, bro do you still have connections with Woori?

Jungkook: of course Hyung she's one of our high school squad so we're like best friends, we have encounter a lot of memory how could I forget her, but Hyung I swear I love Nari but I don't know why Woori was still stuck in my mind.

Jimin: bro, that's not my problem anymore but all I can say clear everything, mostly your feelings because there's many people might hurt in you decision.

I stopped reading because I can't resist it anymore. I tried to look for Jungkook's conversation with Woori but everything was deleted. I suddenly felt nervous so I messaged his ex and asked her if are they still have connections with my boyfriend 'til now. And she did not deny it, she told me the truth that they are still connected and she said that I don't have to worry because she already have a boyfriend, and besides they are just friends so I trust her and apologized for being too aggressive. She even invited me to have lunch but of course I refused because I'm too busy. I still have OJT

When Jungkook found out that I talked to Woori he got mad at me. It's embarrassing because I still not trust them and why do have to message her.

So I just cried and apologized and I said 

"I'm just afraid you might go away and leave me"

"That can't be I love you"

. . . . . .

So I let everything pass. We gain another 2 years and everything went well but last week it seems like something bothering him, it seems like he want to tell me something but he can't. So I do the move.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing maybe I'm just pressured in work because we have a new boss and there's a lot of things to do"

And I believed him because he's a workaholic person. I treat him dinner for him to lessen his pressure, all went well, and I even drive for him all the way home.

. . . . .

So yesterday I went to their house because I have something to tell him. I even baked his favorite cake, its red velvet cake. But he's not there, only has sister so since I'm already I just spend my time talking to her sister.

"Actually I have something to tell him, I have a news for him" I said to her.

"Well I have a news for you let me tell you first" Jung kook's sister suddenly said and I felt nervous.

"Uh-... was it about his work? It's okay our company was looking for a new employee, he can apply there then."

"No! it's not about his work, he's doing great in his job, he even promoted.................Well it's actually about his........... ex, ,,,,,,,Woori.   Woori is pregnant and the father is him, Jungkook. Jungkook asked me a favor to tell you about it,,, his not yet ready to face you...." jungkook's sister said looking down to her feet "I'm sorry,,  that's why jungkook is not here he went to the hospital with Woori to have a check up." Jungkook sister almost whisper it.....

With all those word she said, the only thing I can say was " ahhhh really he haven't told me about it"

"sorry , I'm really sorry I know th-" I cut her.

"no it's okay,,, I'm okay......... please tell him, good luck for being a father......" I immediately went out of their house without saying a bye. I went in to my car and drive home as fast as i can. I didn't notice that I'm crying all the way home. I immediately open the door of my condo and went to my bedroom and there I cried loudly "I see only friends huh? i thought it would be the best day of my life but then it's the worst one...." I touch my tummy and said

 "I'm sorry of being a bad mommy to you and you're not a mistake, you're a gift but sorry that you'll grow up only having me sorry......but I swear will be happy together" yes, there is somebody insides me, yes I'm pregnant , and yes, Jungkook was the father too... but it's okay I can take care of the baby.......


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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