The Beginning

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The dog pound was noisy that night. Every single dog that was shoved, kicked and thrown into this hellhole for dogs was either fighting over what little food was left or cowering in the corner waiting for death to take them. The humans that were in charge would bang sticks against the cage, yelling and shouting for them to be quiet. but all was in vain, for once the humans left, they would be at it again, biting, fighting, whimpering and barking. But all of that changed on that night.

On that night a newcomer had come. A rather smaller than average, white furred dog with a light blue swirl marking underneath metallic blue eyes that pierced the dark. With its pointy ears and fur, it looked more like a wolf than a dog. But instead of the noble air that normally exuded from one wolf, it's air and attitude was close to that of a human.

It didn't fight when the humans caught it wandering the dirty streets of the poor district. It calmly walked in through the doors of the pound, past the counter and into the room that held the dogs, where it waited patiently for the bewildered humans to open the cage that held the noisiest and biggest dogs. It acted like it knew what it was doing.

At first, hey thought the dog was mad, knowing that it was walking into the jaws of death. They let it through though and watched as the dog trotted into the cage. What happened though was not to their prediction. The other mutts having noticed the cage door opened, turned their heads to see who was coming in. The biggest of these dogs approached the animal with a growling ferocity that had scared many a dog, mutt or stray. The wolf simply stood there staring at the dog.

Confused, the dog stopped and tried to attack the calm dog by charging. But with one step It sidestepped the dogs onslaught, causing it to stumble awkwardly behind it. The wolf suddenly gave a growl so loud and deep it scared the humans and had them scrambling back out the door in surprise and fear. The growl shook the entire building silencing any and every dog that was in it. Every head that belonged to a dog turned towards the sound of the wolf.

Almost immediately the dog that confronted the creature whimpered and lay down on the cold, concrete floor, ears back and tail tucked between it's legs, admitting it's surrender. Any other dogs that was in the cage with the now trembling brute did exactly as the dog did. They all showed their surrender, not wanting to find out what would happen if the wolf did more than growl.

The wolf, satisfied with the way they acted, stepped out of the cage and into the middle of the room. In their surprise, the humans had left the cage door open, allowing the wolf to walk out. Silence was in the room. Every dog in the room trained their eyes on the wolf's movement. It was almost a full moon that night and a window, specially made in the roof, shined moonlight down in the center where the wolf sat down. Then almost as if it was expected it howled.

It started out softly, but still strong enough to shake the building. All the dogs in the room, slowly joined in, one by one. louder it got, the more range it reached, and the cacophony reached the ears of the dogs that weren't captured, and they joined in. Louder and louder it went and soon the entire city was ringing with the symphony of the beasts. The humans that were nocturnal, paused in whatever activity they were doing and listened.

And during the howling, the wolf began to change. It's tail disappeared and it's fur was receding back into the body. The hind legs became became longer as they shaped themselves into human legs. The fore legs became arms and any fur that was still on the body, disappeared except the head which was still howling. Soon long white hair replaced fur and human ears took over the ears of a wolf. The snout shortened and shaped to form a mouth, nose, eyes, all human. What was once a wolf now stood there a boy somewhere in between the ages of 10 and 14 wearing a cloak of black with long pure white hair with streaks of light blue that was barely noticeable, flowing down his back.

Once the transformation finished the boy stopped howling. The pound dogs, having took notice, stopped. The city dogs likewise, stopped and the silence overcame the city. The humans that were entranced by the sound shook their head in wonder and continued on their daily business. The pound couldn't handle it and the wall that had imprisoned the dogs, collapsed in a pile of dust and debris..

The boy stood up and his blue eyes glinted in the moonlight. He walked back through the cage that held the noisier ones and over the rubble of the wall that had once held sturdily against the dogs. He stopped and turned around to face them which were sitting, waiting for their master to issue the order.

The boy opened his mouth and said, "COME." A loud voice that was aimed at the pound dogs.

The dogs rose and proceeded to trot after the boy who was walking towards the outside of the city. Any other dogs that the boy happened to pass, began to follow him. It was a spectacular sight. An army of dogs that was slowly increasing following a boy that was a wolf outside the city. Any humans that saw them would just stare in awe at the sight. The march continued over the hill. As the sun began to rise, they disappeared in the light of the sun.

The city was never the same after the incident. The pound was repaired and business resumed in the city. But any dogs that were put in the pound, after that, they would behave themselves, almost as if the wolf was there watching them. And whenever a howl was heard from outside the city limits, the dogs in the city would answer the call with there own song. How do I know this, you say? I was there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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