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Josh stood in front of class, his water bottle dropping condensation on the wooden desk as the 6th form students filled in their seats. This was a new class for Josh Bradley, having only shown presentations of his photography to small groups before this. The brunettes hands snaked together and apart as his eyes flashed from kid to kid. The bell rang, signalling everyone should be in their seats for the lesson to start.
Josh cleared the lump from his throat, his stomach turning as he flicked his PowerPoint on.
"My name is Joshua Bradley, you can call me Josh. I'm not a professor, which may be obvious. No, I'm a YouTuber who has an absolute passion for photography. This is a hands on class, as you may know from the sign up sheet. Today I will be showing you a few of my pieces I've collected over my years of photography."  The words flowed from his lips like honey as he pulled the first picture up.
It was simply the London eye; black and white and wintery.
This was one of joshes favourites and also one of his earliest works of art. The class gasped as he displayed the picture with pride. He stared at it was pure longing to go back to that day. He skipped to the next one; his least favourite.
Though this picture was one of his more popular ones, he was never too keen on it. It was of two butterflies, both perched on the same plant.
Some people snapped around him, recognising the piece of artwork.
"This one was taken whilst I was in America. I was in a butterfly exhibit, and it was enchanting to say the least. But something about this picture always leaves a sour taste in my mouth, and whether it be the style of the photo or the circumstances that the picture was taken, I can tell a lot of you are very impressed with it. Would anyone like to put their opinion on the picture in? Or, since we are far enough in this lesson, does anyone have a photo you would like to share with the class?"
Joshes eyes squinted around the room, everyone raising their hand. He scanned the crowd, his eyes landing on a young girl in the left corner.
She was wearing light washed ripped jeans and a tucked in black adidas shirt.
She had her hand raised, shaking it ferociously with her drive in hand. When joshes eyes landed on her, her heart stopped, and she couldn't wait to share the images she had.
"You, in the adidas. Question or pictures?" Joshes voice was cool toned, but on the inside his heart was racing. The pretty girl in front of him had caught his eye more than once today, but only now had her looks really sank in. Her brunette hair was shoulder length, and she had thin wired gold glasses on. Josh could tell they were fake, but it made him smile that she had wore them.
"I have pictures. Some maybe better than yours." Her snarky reply had josh stunned, hand twitching on the wooden desk.
"Well then, why don't you come show me hm?" The class got silent, most of them knowing who the girl that josh called on was.
She was a great photographer in the eyes of her peers, and she hoped that she was just as good to josh as she was to them.
Josh watched as the mystery girl walked up to him, reaching her hand out to give her drive to josh with pride.
"Would you like to explain what pictures you have compiled?"
She nodded, looking over to the class.
"I have compiled a group of photos of different plants and structures that i have captured over my holiday this summer. The ones that i have featured in this drive are of my time at the zoo."
Josh was once again surprised at how shy the girls tone was. It was soft and quiet, totally contradicting the sentence she had just spoken to him before she came up.
"This pink flower, was this taken at the zoo as well?" Josh made the girl look over to the screen, and there on the projector was her favourite image she had captured. It was of a type of flower she was not familiar with, but had caught her eye when she was walking through the woods.
"No sir, it was in the woods. A place near my hotel actually." Josh nodded thoughtfully before clearing his throat.
"It's a lovely photograph. You have a lot of potential that's for sure."
This made the younger girls heart swell as some of the classmates around her snapped their fingers. One of them being her closest friend, Payslee, who let out a whistle.
The bell rang, and the students grabbed there things before racing out the classroom.
"Could I have my drive back please."
The girls voice had caught josh off guard, thinking she had left without it.
"Sure. The pictures were quite lovely. You should come to my house and see my portfolios some time." The offer has lightened the mood, making the brunette feel comfortable.
"That would be nice. I'll have to take you up on that. Sometime soon maybe. Would you like my number?"
They swapped phones, and josh let out a throaty laugh at her case.
"Well, I think I know why you might have taken this seminar huh."
In his hand was the black sidemen case, the same one he had gripped to his phone.
"I'll have you know, i took this class because I wanted to learn from an amazing photography." She replied sassily.
"And plus, Ethan is my favourite so ha." She stuck her tongue out before giving josh his phone back, taking hers and her drive before exiting the class with out a goodbye.
Josh shook his head, looking at his phone and the number she left in it.

Josh chuckled at the parenthesis, how could he forget such a pretty name to match a pretty face?
So this is a little starting chapter to a book I have had in mind for quite a while now.
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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