chapter one!

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Izuku and Nona Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou were the closes of friends when they were kids, but once Bakugou was the only one to get his quirk that friendship is no more. Young Bakugou started to bully izuku and ignore Nona.
Being ignored by her bestfriend lead Nona into a deep depressing stage. She couldn't take being ignored by him.
No matter how sad she could be seeing her twin brother happy made her happy. Her brother and her both love and admire the greatest hero of all time all might!

One day after school the twins were walking home but they decided to take the long way, boy that wasn't a good choice. Izuku was being slowly being killed by the slug villain. Nona was trying her best to get her brother out of there but the villain pushed there to the wall and she hit her head and passed out.
When Nona woke up she couldn't believe her eyes! She was right in front of her hero All Might!
(Nona POV)
Me being the fan girl that i am, i started to freak out, "OMG ITS ALL MIGHT! OMG Brother wake your ass up! Its All Might hes right in front of us! Wake up!!!" i yelled once i was done yelling my brother woke up yelling " what! All Might were!?" " shut up and look up you Baka!" i said.
" im glad you both are okay but i must be on my way" all might said.
"What! Already but i have to many questions to ask... Omg where's my notebook please sigh it" my brother and i said at the same time. But when we looked at out notebook we see that they are already signed.
"Omg he" Izuku started " already signed it" i finished "awesome" bro and i said. "I must go" once again said all might. " nooo you cant go just yet we have to many questions to ask you" said Izuku. " sorry i must go" all might says before he blasted off using his quirk.
I couldn't see a thing will all the dust that all might made when he blasted off. Once i got a good look i saw that her Baka of her brother had the great idea of graving on to all mights leg!
How stupid can that Baka be! I thought. " Damn that Baka how can he just leave me behind like that.... I want to go with them too" i said out loud while picking up out stuff that were on the floor.

(Time skip➡ still Nona's POV)
I was walking back home... By MYSELF because i couldn't find the Baka of my brother anywhere. But all of a sudden I see people getting crowded there was a villain! Me being me I joined those people's to see. But what I didn't expect to see was my childhood best friend. "Katsu!" i yelled.

I couldn't believe it its the slug villain from before i thought all might had him. Katsu was dying right in front of my eyes. Hes crying i thought to myself. At that moment i dont know what came over me but my legs started to move on there own. Before i knew it i already had thrown my things at the thing and was trying to get katsu out of there. The heroes were yelling at me to get back that i could get hurt but i didn't care. All i cared about was saving katsu even if it was the last thing i did.

Once katsu eyes landed on me they widen. Then he got his mouth free and started to yell at me saying " YOU BAKA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! Nona get away you could get hurt!!" " i dont care! I cant lose you, you might hate me but i dont. I cant lose you forever you were my bestfriend and always will be i dont i cant lose my bestfriend!!!" i yelled with tears in my eyes.
Then out of nowhere i see my brother by my side yelling " i couldn't just watch you die" we didn't stop trying to free katsu but it felt like we were doing nothing. Them All might showed up and got him free i was so relief. After they got the slug villain my brother and i were getting yelled at for getting getting involved when we could of gotten hurt but nooo katsu was getting praised for his so amazing quirk.
After all that we decided to to walk home. On out way there we hear katsu yelling "Oi Deku Nona!... I didnt need your help i could of gotten out of there on my own  I don't owe you nothing! " well of course he doesn't owe us nothing but how rude can he be, he could at leat say thank I thought.
The weird thing was he wasn't looking at me at all when he said that, he was looking at brother the whole time. When he finally looked at me his eyes didn't show all the anger they showed when they were looking at brother. When they looked at me they were soft and thank full eyes he then nodded slowly and then left saying " DEKU! I didn't need your help or your damn sister's i would of been fine without it" we couldn't help but cry even tho those words were a bit hurtful we were so damn happy that he was okay and now hurt.
We started to walk home once again but god all might appeared then smoke started to come out of him and puff a scrawny man stood there. I couldn't believe my eyes All might was that man! I need to sit down. Once all might started to speak i couldn't believe my ears. " young twins you too can become heroes" said all might. We just couldn't believe it we were on the floor crying.
After a while all might told us that we still needed to train out body's so we could use one for all. We start tomorrow so brother and i headed home to rest.

Hope you like the first chapter.
Hope it wasn't to bad.

izuku's twin sister (katsuki Bakugou x nona midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now