Where The Youtubers Meet

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One bright and sunny morning, a 18 year old girl named Lizzie awoke from her slumber. As she climbed out of bed and clasp her sheets gently in her hand she heard a knock on her bedroom door she wondered what it was and decided to say "Come in!" The door started to open and Lizzie saw her sister and asked her what was wrong, her sister bent over and picked up a flash light and said "I was wondering if you would go to a party with me!" Lizzie smiled and quickly make her bed, as soon as she finished she quickly replied "Yes, of course I would your my sister and us you feel like you want to go somewhere with me I would love to!" Her sister quickly gave Lizzie a hug and popped of the her bedroom to wear a outfit, after all it is the morning. As Lizzie made her last steps down the stairs she saw that the kitchen door was open so she peeked in to she her mum dancing while making bacon and eggs Lizzie quickly whispered "Mother don't you think that is unsafe" her mother replied saying "I'm just working on my cooking skills" Lizzie slowly sat down on the sofa chatting to her dad talking about being a youtuber  little did she know she might be one!

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