Chapter 7

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I'm back :)
Sorry but it's bit of a boring chapter to start again with. But I guess the story would end too quickly if things went without hiccup 🙈

Kit POV and a small Ming POV too




Beam had opened his door.  I figured telling him Ming kissed me would show Beam I could understand how he indeed  might be feeling and that he could open up too me about anything. But it also got the door open.
He peers out looking to me.
'When??' He simply said still too concerned about his problems to make fun of me.
I walk past him into his room. I sit down on his bed. He shut the door and came in and sat down next to me. Not speaking.
'It happened this morning'. I say breaking the strange silence between us. I can't look at him so stare down to my hands on my lap.
'You were with me all morning... and I thought you got up late' Beam sounds confused.
'No'. I shake my head slightly. 'Before all that. Last night. He err... he slept at mine'. I say wondering what he must be thinking. 'He left before you arrived...'

I didn't feel that embarrassed telling him thinking back to earlier. Beam and I finally opened up to each other about what's been going on.  I'm now back in my room led on my bed staring at the ceiling. It's only late afternoon to soon to sleep. But I don't feel like studying or going out to eat.  Pha had texted wondering why we weren't in class. The classic response of I'm not feeling well was the best I could come up with. Beam would probably say the same. So he probably wouldn't believe it coming from us both. But he hadn't replied. Nor had I heard from Ming.
I remember more of the conversation between me and Beam. I had explained how it came to Ming sleeping at mine and how we woke up early.

'He pulled me into the kiss. I err.. I didn't  stop him'. I say a little nervous now.
'You didn't?' Beam asks sounding stunned. I shake my head. 'But he soon left afterwards?'
'I was in shock and confused so... I kind of fell back into anger. Though... I couldn't really speak. I put as much distance as I could between us as anyone would. It felt safer and I thought I could maybe think better away from him. But I still just couldn't understand what was going on in my head. I... I wasn't angry at him. I'm not angry now.... he left on his own accord'.
'Did you like it?'... Beam asks obviously more calm now he's distracted for the issue of his drunken antics.
I  look to Beam now I was expecting this question... 'Honestly... I don't know. I when I think back all I remember is my shock and confusion. I never imagined to be in that kind of situation. I still can't see myself with a guy. Not properly. Not out in public...' Beam interrupts.
'Kit the only thing that should matter is your true feelings for him. Forget he's a guy for a minute. Forget your worries about what other people think. Focus on what you feel for Ming'. He smiled at me.

I sigh. Focus on what I feel for Ming. Forget everything else. It's easy to say. But I may as well try.
So I think about him. Firstly what he's like confident, playful sometimes childish....handsome. I do admit he is. But other guys could admit that too. Also he can be kind, helpful and caring. He's the colleges moon so he's certainly popular with many.
Some are things I look for in a girl. I sigh. This isn't helping. Ok how about what I feel when I'm around him. Nervous mainly. Why? Because I know he likes me and I don't know what he may do.
Confused too because I'm nervous and what reason do I have to be nervous?.. If I wanted  to I could have told him by now that I'm not interested and to back off. Why haven't I?
I think about last night. I enjoyed his company. He didn't tease me once. He was genuinely concerned for me about eating something. Which made me happy. Not everyone would go as far as he did. I didn't have a worry or concern while was here. We could just be ourselves. I was myself around him? Have I really changed? But most of this could be true even if we were only friends. Right?  But then there's the kiss. I let out a groan.

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