1. Summerfling

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4 years ago 

´´I wish summer was longer´´ I sighed as i looked into his hazel green eyes. ´´ I know, but we have known this the entire time. We knew this wouldn´t last forever, flings never do´´ His last words hit me like a rock. A fling? Was that what we was?  I brushed sand off of my legs as i released myself out of him embrace. ´´Soph, where are you going?´´ his british accent made my knees weaken. ´´I need some time to myself before i leave´´ i said, trying not to choke on the last words. ´´--But your flight leaves in an hour´´ he states as matter of factly. ´´Exacly´´ i looked at him, taking the memory of him all in. ´´It´s time for me to go, Finn´´ He was about to stand up when my words stopped him. ´´It´s no use, Finn. As you said, we were just a fling, no hard feelings´´ He bit his lip. ´´You know i didn´t mean it like that. C´mon, we´ll do as we planned, i´ll come to Florida in a few months.´´ I wanted so badly for him to come with me, but in the same time i didn´t want my feelings to get more hurt, than they were right now. All summer i´ve been trying to act like this wasn´t going to end, that this was meant to be. But as reality hit my, i knew this was the end, and we had to let go, to leave it all behind. In a few years, it would all be forgotten. Well, not to me, but to him. ´´I don´t think we should stick to the plan´´ i said. ´´We´re so young, we have more years to live, to love. Finn, i know this will sound as a clichè, but if its meant to be, it will be, and then we will find our way back to eachother. If not, this is as you said, just a fling´´ I took his dark features in, one last time before i turned around and walked away. 


´´We´re finally here´´ Jessica squealed in excitement. I laid my suitcase down on my bed. ´´Yeah´´I said as i smiled. Jessica and I had been planning to move to England for university ever since we were little, and now we were finally here. It´s been four years since i´ve last been to England, and a part of me wished to never come back here. ´´It´s a shame university isn´t like college in ´murica tho´´Jess said before she added ´´but i´m happy to swap it out with some hot piece of british boys´´ She winced at me. Typical Jessica. I´m pretty sure that 80% of the reason she wanted to move here was because of the british boys.  I just hope she doesn´t get dissapointed. 

I scanned the room after familiar faces, even though i should know that i wouldn´t find one. I took an empty chair next to a girl that looked nice. ´´Is this Mrs. Tanners health class?´´i asked the girl sitting next to me,  partly because i needed to be sure, and partly to start a conversation. ´´Yeah. I´m Zoe´´the girl said as she reached her hand out and i shaked it gently. ´´Sophie´´I said. ´´You´re clearly not British´´she said. ´´Let me guess,  Georgia?´´Zoe asked me. I laughed. ´´Almost. I´m from Florida´´ ´´Close enough´´she said, smiling. Day two in London and i had already made a friend. 

´´Do you want to join me for lunch´´Zoe asked me right after class was over. ´´Sure´´i said as i followed her to the cafeteria. ´´We were going to eat out today, but Jack has to be back in class a little earlier´´ I smiled at her ´´It´s fine by me´´ As we reached the table, i could see another person sitting there. I gasped as i saw that he looked somewhat familiar. ´´Sophie, this is Jack. Jack, this is Sophie´´ Jack? i felt dissapointed, but for what? I´m not quite sure. ´´You look kind of familiar´´I say to Jack. He suddenly looked a little emberrased. ´´Jack and I are youtubers, you have probably seen him there´´Zoe said. ´´Right, that´s probably it´´I smiled. 

As the clock rang, we had to make our way back to our new classes. This time i had graphic design. I wasn´t sure if i wanted to become a nurse or a graphic designer, so after a lot of dicussion with the school, they came up with a combo. I walked into the classroom seing a familiar face sitting in the back of the room.  Jack? i asked myself. He had the same haircolor, eyecolor and lips as Jack, but someway his clothes and faceshape was a littlebit different. Or maybe it was excacly alike. I sat down next to Jack. ´´Hi again, i didn´t know you were in graphic design too?´´ i smiled at him.  Jack was silent for a short second, probably thinking of something. ´´I don´t think the topic ever came up´´he said. ´´Anyway, it´s nice to have a familiar face in the same class´´  He looked at me, like really looked at me. And as our eyes met, i was pretty sure that i´d seen him somewhere else before. And with that feeling, came a feeling of sadness with it. ´´How long have you been in Leeds? ´´ Jack asked. ´´Just a day, i came last night with my best friend Jessica´´ Jack looked amused. ´´Why England? he looked at me. ´´It´s something me and Jessica have been talking about for ever, and i fell in love with the place after spending my summer here four years ago´´ I swallowed as i remembered the events of my summer. ´´Only the place?´´ Jack asked. I looked at him confused. What kind of question was that? ´´Uhm, i guess. Why?´´ I bit my lip, feeling a little uncomfertable. ´´No reason, Sophie´´he said, looking a little distant. 

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