The Start.

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The door creaked loudly as it slowly opened, "Huh?" Pastel yawned while looking over at the door. A small circle shadow appeared before a little pink slime jumped in front of the door, "Oh just A slime." Pastel said while getting up from his couch, He slowly approached the slime, Before the pink slime jumped far away from the door.  "Oh it's nighttime I guess.." Pastel said While slowly peaking his head outside the door, He saw glowing slimes flying around, "Woah, Night light slimes." Pastel stuttered. There was one 'Night light slime' that was on the ground shaking closing his eyes and only opening his eye's every couple minutes, Pastel watched in curiosity after a few minutes of watching he stepped outside and slowly stumbled over to the slime. He reached the slime and lay a couple inches away, he waited until the slime opened his eyes, After a few minutes the slime glanced and saw Pastel, the slime kept his eyes open and jumped towards Pastel. The slime reached Pastel and leaped onto his hand, Pastel stood up holding the slime gently in his hands and headed over towards his house. He was walking pretty slowly since the fact that it was pitch black and the only light source was this little slime he was holding, He finally found his house and stepped inside and gently closed the door. Pastel walked over towards his couch and put down the slime, He grabbed his phone and took a picture of the slime and sent it to a person who had been on the planet before asking what type of slime it was, After a good few minutes of waiting the person replied saying "Oh, A phosphor slime, barely saw those guys because they only come out at night," Pastel read, Pastel put his phone away and looked at the slime who was happy in the light, "That's strange he's a night light but he doesn't like the dark..." Pastel questioned, Pastel reached over and turned off the lights the Slime started shaking again. Pastel quickly turned the lights back on "Guess he's scared of the dark, I should help him" Pastel said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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