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It all started when Soonyoung and Seungcheol, Junhui's coworkers, dragged him along to a gay bar that doubles as a strip club.

Junhui refused at first, but after Seungcheol insist that he'll pay for drinks he was all hooked up. It's actually the weekends and Junhui thought why not?

5 minutes after they arrived, Seungcheol already left Soonyoung and Junhui in the bar, saying something about hitting up a guy with the long hair chatting with another guy which looks too uncomfortable in the bar's atmosphere, and who the hell orders water at a bar.

Soonyoung, not long after, also left Junhui alone and chased after a short, blonde stripper, probably looking for a quick lap dance, Junhui thought.

Junhui ended up sitting at the bar, ordering a few drinks and occasionally chatting with strangers and sometimes turning down their offer for a hookup.

A loud cheer and a booming voice suddenly filled up the whole building, Junhui didn't pay that much attention but he heard something about a stripper's special show coming up.

"Ladies and gentlemen Pledis Lounge offers you the main star of the evening that we've all been waiting for! Give a round of cheers for The8!"

The emcee's voice pierced through Junhui's ears and he couldn't help but spare a glance at this so-called 'The8' A weird name, really.

But what Jun didn't expect was how breathtaking this guy is.

'The8' is a young looking guy. His hair is a light silverish blonde with a very light purple ombre, Jun assumed, --the poor lighting in clubs aren't the best after all-- His skin tone isn't so tanned and he has a very nice toned body with a bit of visible muscle here and there. And the outfit he was wearing leaves no room for imagination.

The outfit that he was wearing is different from the other strippers, while the others seem to wear more revealing pieces, The8 choose to wear an unbuttoned oversized dress shirt with thin grey stripes, the shortest pair of shorts Jun has seen in his entire life --it's so short it could pass as a female's underwear-- and his legs were covered by fishnet stockings. He wasn't barefooted or wearing sexy heels like the others but wears a pair of black chunky boots. The look was completed with a thick black choker wrapped beautifully around his neck and a silver necklace.

Junhui took a sip from his cocktail and faced towards the stage, his eyes locked onto his dancing figure. Junhui felt something nudge on his shoulder and looked up, the barista that was serving him chuckled and nodded towards the stage with The8 on it. Junhui took a quick scan at the tall barista, his hair is black, his skin is tanned and he was hella tall, his smile was supporting the cutest canine teeth Junhui have seen on a man.

"He's a beauty isn't he?" The man chuckled, "Too bad he refused when I try to take him out on a date" the man sighed. "You're new around here right? The name's Mingyu"

Junhui raised his eyebrow, "Junhui" he took another sip of his drink and focused back at the stripper on the stage. The8 was swaying his hips around, interacting with a few watchers as he uses his slim fingers to take the stack of cash they offered, The8 let his hips sway as he walked to the pole, then gripping the pole and wrapped his leg around it, he arched his back and let his mouth hang open a little before climbing the silver pole.

Junhui heard a whistle next to him, he turned his head around and saw Mingyu just completely lost in his gaze. Junhui propped his arm on the counter and continued to watch the show. Somewhere in there, The8 accidentally locked eyes with Junhui, he saw the boy smirk and Junhui immediately broke the eye contact.

"Nice meeting you, Mingyu, but I gotta go find my friends..." Junhui bid a farewell and Mingyu just nodded without even looking at the Chinese male, his eyes were still fixated on The8. Junhui quickly got to his feet to search for Soonyoung. With no luck on finding Soonyoung, Junhui instead found Seungcheol sitting in a booth with two males sitting beside him.

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