Ahaadeeth Chapter 1

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- قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : إنما الأعمال بالنيات،و إنما لامرىء ما نوى. فمن كانت هجرته إلى الله و رسوله، فهجرته إلى الله و رسوله. و من كانت هجرته إلى دنيا يصيبها، أو امرأة يتزوجها، فهجرته إلى ما ها جر إليه            


Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " Surely actions are judged by their intentions, and for a person will be whatever he intended.  So whoever migrated for (the pleasure of)  Allah and His
Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم , then his migration will be for Allah and His Rasool صلى الله عليه , and whoever migrates to achieve the world, or to marry a woman, then his migration will be what he migrated for."

(أو كما قال صلى الله عليه وسلم )


The first sentence explains to us the condition of an intention, that whatever we do we should do it only to please Allah Ta'allah, not to please human beings. According to the manner in which we made our  intentions  when carrying out acts of worship, Allah will judge our actions.
Secondly the hadeeth mentions the outcome of such an intention, ie if a person makes the right intention his deed will be judged accordingly, if he makes an intention of pleasing Allah, he will be rewarded but, if he makes another intention, he will not be rewarded. The examples mentioned in the hadeeth is that of migration.
In the time of Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم , when he initially began propagating Islaam, the Makkan non believers defied him, and tortured him as well as those who had accepted Islam. Eventually after a lot of suffering, Allah Ta'allah commanded Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم as well as his companions to migrate, at that time migration was considered a great thing, as it was leaving ones own home town, and some family behind for the pleasure of Allah, and for this intention they were rewarded. Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم mentions migration as an example, that if a person migrated for some worldly purpose( maybe to earn more wealth etc) or he migrated with the other Muslims but, not for the pleasure of Allah but, to marry a woman, then his migration was for that purpose,meaning there will be no reward in those intentions.
Migration is just an example, this can refer to any action in the life of a Muslim. All actions should be done soley for Allah. This hadeeth is one of the greatest teaching  and principles in Islaaam.

2-الدين النصيحة
"Religion is well wishing/advice."

❤The religon of Islaam is a religion of well wishing and advice. Muslim brothers and sisters should always wish well for one another, and should advice one another with a good intention, not to mock or point out a persons faults for fun.
❤Naseeha can also mean any speech or action that reforms another person, or directs a person to success. ❤Naseeha also means to to fulfil the rights of every Muslim, whether it ne upon a Muslim who is present or absent.
❤The general meaning of Naseeha is to observe the rights of every creation of Allah.

3- الدعاء مخ العبادة

"Supplication is the essence of worship."

The reason why Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned that dua is the essence of worship is because, the reality of  worship is for a servant to humble herself/himself, and to show his/her weakness to Allah, and this is achieved to a higher degree when a person makes dua.
It is mentioned in the kitaab Nihaayat: Dua is the essence of worship for two reasons, One , it's complying with what  Allah Ta'allah mentions in the Quraan:
ادعونى استجب لكم
"Call unto me, I will answer you".
So this is the objective of Ibaada.

The second reason is, when a person sees that he is successful in matters because he supplicates to Allah, his hopes regrading anyone else helping him are cut off, and he continues to ask Allah for all his needs. And this is the purpose of worship, to realise.that everything happens through the will of Allah and Allah is the doer.


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