Chapter 1

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Jenna sat on the curb next to her piece of shit rust bucket waiting for the tow truck she had called. She knew there was not point in fixing the engine, it'd breakdown in a couple miles but it wasnt like she was going far. She had recently moved to the small town of Charming, California to have a fresh start and to find her long lost father. She didnt know much about him other than his name, he loved harleys and left before she was born.

As she started to pull her long black hair into a messy bun she heard the sound of a truck pulling up. She got up to greet the tall man with crazy curly black hair and ice blue eyes. "Hiya doll, was told you needed assitance." He smiled deviously at her. She gave a small nod and looked at her piece of shit, "not that itll do any good. Shes on her last leg." He chuckled as he started to pull her car onto the truck. They both got in and started off the the auto shop. "Names Tig by the way, you new to town, or just passing through?" He asked, looking at her shortly before turning his eyes back to the road. "Im new, just moved here last week." She replied with a smile. He gave a nod and smiled, the rest of the drive was filled with a comfortable silence. Jenna saw a sign that read "Teller-Morrow Auto Shop", they pulled into the driveway and parked near the garage. Once they had exited the truck she took a moment to take a look around. She saw a door leading to a small office next to the garage, and across the lot she saw another building with a reaper on the wall and a sign that read Sons Of Anarcy.
Tig patiently waited to the side watching her, Jenna turned towards him and smiled. "Biker Club?" He nodded and led her to the office where and older lady with black hair and blonde streaks running through it. She looked up and smiled. "Hey hun, take a seat. I'm Gemma, lets see if we can figure out whats wrong with it. " She said motioning to a chair. Jenna sat and took a look around, "i already know whats wrong, but it wont matter much. Shes a piece of shit." She said with a sigh. Gemma chuckled and grabbed a pen and a clipboard, "well, just fill these out, see what we can do to hold ya over for a bit longer." She handed her the clipboard with a few sheets of paper and the pen.
After Jenna finished the paperwork she looked up at Gemma biting her lip, "Do you by chance know of anyone by the name Bobby Munson?" Gemma stopped what she was doing and looked at the small beauty. "Possibly. Why?" Jenna took a deep breath before replying, "He's my dad." "Just, wait here a second." Gemma left the office and jogged across the lot, stopping only to talk to a man with long curly grey hair and sunglasses. When they entered through the door both stared at her. "Ill give ya'll a minute. Holler if ya need anything." Gemma turned to leave, shutting the door behind her. "Gem said you think youre my daughter?" The man, she assumed could only be Bobby. "Yeah, my moms Catherine Marks. You guys met on a run in.." "Nevada." He cut her off, "yeah, i remember that. She never told me bout no baby though." Jenna nodded, "she didnt find out til after you left, said she never got your number.. being it was a one night stand kinda thing." Bobby looked at her, taking all of her in. "If i had known.." "but you didnt. Not really your fault that you werent there." They both stayed quiet after that. "Would.. you like to come over to the clubhouse? Meet everyone?" He asked, giving her a small smile. "Sure, got any booze?" At that he chuckled, "we got plenty."

Soon Jenna had met everyone, and was taking shots of Jack Daniels with Juice and Tig. "So, youre from where in Nevada?" Tig asked, throwing back anothrr shot. "Reno, and it aint all its cracked up to be." She replied, smiling at the prospect behind the bar, thanking him for the next round of shots. "But im thinking we'll finish this convo later, im gunna go find bobby and turn in for the night." She gave them both a hug and went on her way to find her dad.
Before she could scan the room she collided with what felt like a wall. The wall chuckled at her when she squeaked. "Might wanna watch where youre going, little girl."his thick gravelly voice sent waves of tingles throughout her body. "Uh.. um.. sorry." She replied and hurried off to find her father. Jenna could feel eyes on her back as she tried to remember his name, she could of sworn Bobby had told her. Soon she found her dad taking a swig of beer, playing Pool with Chibs. "Hey, um, im gunna head home. I have a lot to do tomorrow." She said, smiling at him. He returned the smile and pulled her into a hug. "Alright, but uh, ima have one of the guys follow you back,. Saftey first and all." He told her, scanning the room. "Happy! Come here!" He hollored. The wall of a man she had just collided with came over, his face as serious as ever. "Can you follow her hom? Make sure she gets there safe?" Happy gave a nod and looked at Jenna. She took a moment to really observe him, he was a handsome devil to say the least. She walked past him to go out the doors then stopped. "Crap sticks! My cars still being worked on.. um.. you mind walking?" He grunted a reply, a smirk on his face and started walking towards the row of bikes. He stopped in front of what she could only assume was his. Silently Happy handed her a helmet and got on, fastening his helmet on. Jenna did the same and wrapped her arms around his waist. The engine came to life, and he took off out of the lot. She squeezed tighter, hoping she wasn't bothering him. Jenna felt his chest rumbled, he was laughing at her.
**Back at the Clubhouse**
Clay looked around the clubhouse, "anyone seen Happy? Need him for a job." He bellowed, "he followed Jenna home to make sure she got there safe." Bobby said, shooting another ball into the target. "Her cars still being worked on." Jax stated, "maybe they walked?" "Nah, heard a bike. He musta taken her." Bobby said. Everyone looked at him, disbelief written on their faces. "Happy dont let nobody on his bike." Clay said. "Maybe he likes her!" Juice said, a huge grin on his face. "He better not." Bobby stated, a serious look on his face and a joking hint in his words.

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