Carter Reynolds; Wondering About Love

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Chapter 1

I rolled out of bed to answer my phone plugged in the charger on the ground.

"Hello," I said a little annoyed

"Hey!" A voice i could hardly recognize responded.

"Who is this? Why would you call at 5 freaking am!?" I angered.

"It's Matt. Did you really forget about MAGCON... Again? Wow Emily, you really should start using a calendar." Matt Espinosa joked.

I can't believe I forgot! Carter Reynolds invited me to go to Miami for MAGCON.

" Umm... Yea I'll pick you guys up in 15. Gotta go bye!" I rushed. I ran into the bathroom grabbed my concealer, mascara, eye lash curler, baby lips, and deodorant. As I started to curl my eye lashes I noticed a red mark on my face.

"Ahhhh!! What the hell is that?" I stared in the mirror at a huge slash down my left cheek. "That frikin cat!" I guess he doesn't like sleeping in my bed. I covered it up with some extra concealer and foundation. I put bright pink medicated baby lips on my chapped rough lips.

I put on a load of deodorant and perfume to cover up that weird smell that was sadly me. I had only fifteen minutes to get ready and I'm not going to waste my time showering. I showered last night and I mean honestly, that's what deodorant and perfume is for, am I right?

Chapter 2

I checked the clock. 5:06 I ran into my room and tore off my pajamas. I was going to wear the shortest pair of shorts I have, but then I decided I wanted to look hot for Carter, not look like a hooker. So, I grabbed a pair of black yoga pants from pink, a purple ombré sports bra and a gray flash dance sweater from Delia's. Trying not to expose TOO much skin, I slid the sweater off my shoulder showing my bright sports bra.

I ran down stairs to grab my Osiris high tops but realized I left them upstairs. So instead I slipped on my purple convers, grabbed a yogurt and got in the car. My bags were already in the car from the previous night. I knew I would be running late and I wanted to get there on time.

I took my phone from my Louis Vuitton purse and texted my mom. 'Tried not to wake u up. I left, pickin up the boys. Be home on Thursday. Luv u' I texted as I was pulling out of the drive way. It was 5:13.

I arrived at Carter's house 3 minutes later. The 4 guys, Carter, Matt, Cameron, and Hayes were all standing in the driveway with their bags. Nash had gotten to Miami 2 days earlier to sign autographs. I got out and hugged Carter, grabbed their bags and they hopped in the back seats with Carter sitting up front with me. I reached for his hand. He laced his fingers together with mine. I didn't know if we were officially a couple, but I do know that I am in love with him.

His luscious brown hair, his gorgeous eyes and he had a huge six pack. Everything about him was perfect. And he was all mine... I think.

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