Wilting Flowers

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  I guess I should introduce myself incase anyone ever finds this. But first before I do, I want to explain what I'm doing with this. I'm going to write each day about my life so far, I'm naming this log Wilting Flowers.

  I guess I'll introduce myself now... Although I really don't I will. I'm Kayla I'm 17, I have dark purple hair, I have plugs (in case you're a complete idiot like 88% planet Earth, plugs are where you have holes in your ear and you put these circles in them) I have scars, because I never felt loved and I'm small so I was easy to pick on... I cut to numb the pain. I'm schizophrenic and have ADHD. I have only a few friends, Jesse Cam and Rebecca. I can't even trust my older sister, she has been the one to spread rumors about me.

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