When You Woke Me [Achievement Hunter]

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[author's note: here's a shitty fanfic that will end up being a choose-your-own-adventure .... sorta with one of the achievement crew after this first little chapter.]

'Am I breathing?'

You opened your eyes in excitement. To your knowledge you were dead. A shame really, to lose your life at such a young age.

But now you were in heaven! ...Or something. You weren't really sure where you were. It seemed like you were in a forest, which was strange because when you died you were nowhere near a forest. But nonetheless you were alive! It was a miracle! You stood up quickly to celebrate, and just as quickly fell back on your ass. You weren't sore but your whole body was numb. You needed a second to recover. Since there was nowhere you could go in this state, you finally decided you needed to rest and fell asleep under the trees, in the grass.

[now choose who wakes you up! Just pick a 'Woken by (achievement hunter)' chapter and continue on your journey(?)]

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