Going home.

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The front door opens and Ms. Jane comes out. "Oh," there's an opening in our hug so we stand with our arms around each other facing her," I heard voices and knew Erin was out here. That explains it. Glad to see everyone getting along. Can I meet with you all for a minute? In my office?"

"Yes, sure." Sean says.

We all move inside to Ms. Jane's office. We all sit around the room. I sit in a chair in the middle of the room. Signe sits to my left and Sean to my right. I hesitate thinking about taking her hand but I don't. I'm not sure if she was watching me but she reaches over and takes my hand in hers, our fingers interlocked. She smiles at me and then looks past me and winks at Sean (I wanna call him Jack so bad. That'll come later😉). I look over and smile at him too.

"Ok so because you all seem to be getting alone so well, and I don't do this ever but, would you like to make it official today and take her home?" Ms. Jane says looking at Sean and Signe. Signe squeezes my hand and brushes her thumb over my hand. I want to cry I'm so excited.

"Yes. Absolutely. Sooner the better." Sean says reaching over and putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod eagerly.

"Ok, well then Ms. Erin you can go pack your things to het out of here." Ms. Jane says to me with a smile. I look over at Signe and set my feet flat on the floor, ready. "Go." Ms. Jane says. I stand up. I look at Signe and then Sean. "They'll be right there. Go pack."

Signe gives me a nod towards the door and I go out of the office and run up the steps two at a time. I go into the bunk room and over to my bunk. I slide my duffel bag out from under my bed and open my clothes drawer. I neatly lay my piles of clothes in the bag like they are in he drawer. I put my books on top and zip up my bad. I fold up my blanket and lay it on top. I go and get my toothbrush and hair brush and put them in the side pocket. I take the note from under my pillow and put it in my back pocket.

The last thing I pack is my stuffed teddy bear named Johnson. He was given to my by my birth parents when I was a baby and I've always had him with me. My earliest memories are with him. So he's now my comfort blanket. I stare I it his black eye and it seems like even he says it's time to go.

Just then Signe and Sean appear in the doorway with Ms. Jane right behind them. "You ready?" Sean says with a smile. "Can I help you with that?" Sean and Signe come in leaving Ms. Jane at the door.

I nod at him. Signe bends down and picks up Johnson my heart jumps. "I w-" I spit out.

She stops to look at me and hold out Johnson. "You want to hold him." I nod taking him and holding him tight in both arms. My heart starting to return to normal. She reaches down and picks up my folded up blanket. Sean picks up my duffle bag.

"This it?" He says. I nod. "Alright."

We go down the hall and down the stairs. Girls have seemed to notice the new people and then me with my stuff. We go down the stairs into the main entrance. Just then one of the girls screams "JACK!" Sean spins around and looks at her. I lift an eyebrow confused.

"Sarah, not now." Ms. Jane corrects her. She goes quiet but smiles at Sean.

I stop at the door and turn to Ms. Jane, "thank you."

She looks like she might cry, "oh Erin. I'm so happy for you, you of all people deserve this. Now go before I start ugly crying." We hug for a while before she pulls away and turns.

"Come on." Signe encourages. I turn and walk out onto the porch. The swing and chairs sit vacant. I go down the steps and out on the front path. At the end I turn around and look at the house that I have lived in for eight years. I turn back and follow Sean down the sidewalk. He pulls out keys as we approach a silver car. He presses the button and he doors unlock he opens the trunk and puts my bag in.

"You want to ride in the front or the back?" Signe asks.

"Backs fine." I say opening the door myself and sliding in. Sean gets in the drivers seat and starts the engine, Signe in the passenger's. I stare out the window as we pull away. We drive for about a half hour before pulling into a little driveway of a two story house. It's a blue-ish grey color with while widow frames and a white front door. I get out and stare in amazement at the house that I can now call mine.

"Whatcha think?" Sean says getting my bag out of the back.

"It's...it's amazing!" I stutter in pure shock.

"Awe come on in I'll show you your room." Signe says putting her arm around my shoulder walking towards the front path. I can't fathom wheat the inside looks like if this is what the outside is.

This is it Erin. You're home.

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