Waterboyy the Series Special

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Waii rushed up the steps to the National Swimming Club as he was now running late. He was lucky that once he was admitted into the club that it was a permanent spot, or he might be kicked out. He came to a stop at the top of the stairs and took a second to just catch his breath. Reaching into the pocket of his pants, Waii pulled out the gemstone and stared at it as it laid on the palm of his hand.

It's been one whole year now since the owner of the bracelet gave it to him. An aquamarine ... 'It helps keep me calm before every race. ... I hope it can do the same for you.'

A small smile caressed Waii's face as he gently squeezed the gem in his hand before putting it back into his pocket. Just as he was about to head into the building in front of him, he came to a stop at a voice from behind him.

"You're late."

The smile grew wider as he recognized who the voice belonged to. Waii slowly turned around and sure enough, at the bottom of the steps stood the one he was waiting for. Apo still looked the same as he always did, especially with the yellow jacket that he loved to wear.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time now." Apo smiled.

Waii let out a silent chuckle and kept his eyes locked on Apo, "I've been waiting longer." As Apo ascended the stairs, their eyes never left each others. Though it's been a year, the feelings they had for each other never wavered. In fact, it might've gotten even stronger. Apo came to a stop in front of Waii, his face a bit tinted from their closeness; it was something that Waii missed seeing.

Leaning his head down, Waii purposely stopped when their noses were barely grazing each others. "You won't have to go again, right?"

"All I can promise ..." Apo said as he rubbed the tip of their noses together with a smile, "is that I will stay here. Forever." Both their eyes closed as they could now feel each other's breath against each other's skin. Before their lips touched though, Apo ducked out of the way and took off running into the building. 

"Come on before you're marked late on the attendance!" Apo yelled back to Waii without turning around, "Hurry up!" Waii let out a defeated sigh but he couldn't help but smile as he ran to catch up. 


"So ... what have you been up to in the past year?" Waii asked as they were now sitting at the edge of the pool, resting from their training. Apo kicked his feet back and forth in the water as he looked over at Waii.

"Hm ... I finished my studies ... did some swimming ... nothing much." he answered, "What about coach? Has everything been okay? Is he still coaching at the college?"

Waii let out a sigh and frowned, "The first person you ask about is Coach? You don't have anyone else to ask about?"

Apo blinked innocently, "Kluay, how is he? What about Put and Sang? Fah and Pan? Min and Wan?"

"Forget about it!" Waii huffed and looked away from Apo. He didn't know if he should feel hurt or not for the other's ignorance. Apo tilted his head to look at Waii's expression and smiled at how cute the other was. Though he wouldn't say it out loud, Apo thought that Waii was cute when he sulked, he was like a little kid.





Apo cupped Waii's face and turned it so they were looking at each other, "The reason why I didn't ask about you ... was because I already knew. You're the one I care about the most, so of course I have to keep up with what you." After saying those words, Apo got a little embarrassed and let go of Waii's face, but Waii didn't stop looking at him.

"Um ..." Apo cleared his throat, "we better head out, it's getting late." He made a move to get up but Waii grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. "Waii ..."

"I missed you." Waii said as he tightened his hold. Apo smiled and hugged Waii back just as tightly, "I missed you too."



Waii pulled back and leaned their foreheads together, "Will you stay with me?" he caressed Apo's softly tinted cheeks, "Like before?"

Apo nodded his head in reply and placed his hands over Waii's, "I wouldn't have it any other way." With his question being answered, Waii leaned in and captured Apo's lips in a kiss. A much needed kiss.

Their lips moved against each other, their bodies getting pulled closer as Apo wrapped his arms around Waii's neck and Waii's around Apo's waist. The entire year that they were apart, both of them could only think back about the kiss they shared at Apo's home or the forced kiss Waii gave him a day or two after they met, and now they were in each other's arms. Waii pushed Apo to lay on his back while he hovered slightly above, their lips never leaving each other's during the movement.

Waii's hand moved from Apo's waist and started to caress the pale skin, earning a moan from Apo. Apo grabbed Waii's hand as it reached the rim of his swim trunks and they pulled back from their heated kiss. Panting heavily, Apo looked up at Waii with half lidded eyes.

"Not here ..." he pleaded and Waii smiled slightly.

"Sorry ... I couldn't help myself." Waii sat back up and pulled Apo up as well. Both their cheeks were red, their lips especially. Waii stood up and held his hand out to Apo to help him to his feet. "We're definitely finishing this later." Waii whispered in Apo's ear, causing the other to blush darkly and shyly look away.

After they showered in the locker room, they both headed towards Waii's house. In the past year, he moved back with his father and younger brother. They bought a new house a bit closer to the club so it wouldn't be too far for Waii, and it was much closer to Mai's school so if anything, after practice he could pick him up if needed. Though ... he wasn't exactly sure about the arrangements since Karn was back. He had nothing against the guy now since they've talked it out, thanks to Apo, it was just ... he didn't really want to see his father and Karn being all lovey dovey in front of him. It made him happy that they were happy ... it was just awkward if they walked in on them getting it on. He was going to have to propose a rule that that should only stay in the bedroom.


A/N: I shall end it here! If you've enjoyed it please let me know! Or if I anyone has any recommendations/advice for me please let me know as well, okay? I'm new to writing things like this so I could really use the help. Thanks~


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