Dreams or reality ?

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The ice cracked under his feet. He walked cautiously on the slippery surface. The snow fell abundantly, the biting wind whistled in his ears, and the gray clouds covering the sky announced a storm more than devastating. Yet he had no trouble seeing through that sparkling white mass that was falling on him. And he wasn't afraid. Perhaps because of this indefinite form that was walking before him ?

It was advancing. It didn't stop. And Shirou followed it as well as he could, the ice always closer to break at any moment as he walked slowly. His feet still not benumbed by the cold that he didn't even feel, his arm raised, his hand extended to that form, his fingers desperately stirring to catch up, Shirou felt the impatience grow in him. More and more, he walked faster, not really worrying now if he fell into the icy water. All he wanted was...

"Stop ! Please, stop !" Shirou suddenly shrieked, stopping short, his arms falling down his body.

And while this always indefinite form had not stopped once, it did so just as the teenager had shouted it at it. Shirou was breathing loudly. The storm had abruptly subsided. And a fog began to surround it, its thickness blurring the surroundings. Set aside where the shape was. Everything had become silent. Even the wind had stopped blowing. The prince of snows swallowed and, with his fists clenched, he took a step forward. The ice had solidified even more.

"Why do you run away like that ?" Shirou asked, steam forming when he spoke. His voice echoed.

It looked like smoke, ready to evaporate. A long moment of silence ensued. And Shirou stood there waiting for it to say anything. Anything that could make him understand what was going on. It was almost as if he were awake, and all this seemed real. But he was well aware that it was only a dream... a dream he had done hundreds of times. But for once, one thing had changed : the form had listened to him. Maybe... maybe it will be different from now on ?

Impatience rose more and more, and Shirou, with his fists clenched, his nails re-entering his white skin, advanced with a step more menacing this time.

"Tell me what's going on. Tell me what you are. Just tell me something !" He screamed.

Anger now distorted his features. But in spite of this murderous aura, the form remained imperturbable. Until the light began to be more vivid, blinding him. His hand hiding his eyes from his powerful rays, he tried to see what was going on in the fog that had thickened, finally blending with it. And a strange sensation penetrated into him.

As his eyes watched through his half-open fingers, the fog began to disappear little by little, the intensity of the light rays weakening. They could at last begin to distinguish in the distance, seeing something else than what he had seen so far. The light was softer, much less aggressive. And the clarity had gained its place in the place of the fog which had completely disappeared. The sun was now bathing him in a soft, warm light, almost reassuring. And while this world had been only ice and cold in his previous dreams, the ground was filled with scintillating snow, firs covering its surface, and pine cones garnishing them.

Shirou watched for a moment his new surroundings, before turning his attention to this form that had finally defined. A body... Someone's back... The strangest thing was that it was familiar to him, as if he had seen it before, a long time ago. He swallowed. He hesitated to move on. What if it was a lure ? What if this dream were to become interminable again ? If he wasn't yet ready to finally know the purpose of all this ? Questions flooded in his head. But curiosity took precedence over this slight anxiety. No, he couldn't afford it. He had to know. What ? There was too much to know what was the most important. He just had to know. At all costs.

Then he started to walk again, still hesitant at first, before being more determined after a few steps. This stranger had not yet manifested himself, or even uttered a word. He remained motionless, as if waiting for Shirou to approach. What he was doing, this feeling becoming stronger and stronger. A few more steps. He swallowed. Three meters away. Two meters. His heart began to beat harder for no reason. One meter... Before suddenly stop. No. That couldn't be true, right ? It was a dream. A simple dream. But then, why did the emotion suddenly overwhelmed him ?

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