New state new school new life

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|Justin's POV|
"Justin wake up, it's time for school" My mom shook me until I opened my eyes just slightly.
"Okay, okay I'm getting up" I'm starting my new school today and honestly I'd rather be dead, I throw my binder on oh yeah I'm transgender by the way anyways I grabbed my white hoodie and black skinny jeans and threw them on.
"Mom! Have you seen my keys?"
"I put them on the table, be safe bud"
"Thanks!" I say as I head out the door, I hopped in my car and drove off to my new school. I get out the car and look up seeing this tall muscular boy standing in front of me, I start panicking in my head.
"U-Um h-hi"
"What are you retarded?" He said.
I tried walking past him but he grabbed me bye my hoodie and pushed me on the ground revealing my binder, I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom knowing where I was going because I already got a tour of the school, I look at myself in the mirror and start tearing up right as this boy came in and started talking to me.
"Hey are you okay? I saw what happened out there."
"I'm fine." I said covering my mouth with my sleeve.
"I like your binder, I have the same one." When he basically said he was trans I started blushing and covered my face with the sleeve of my hoodie.
"Why do you do that?" He asked seemingly confused.
"Do what?"
"Cover your face? I wanna see your smile it's cute."
"Oh um, I don't know."
*bell rings*
"Hey what's your first class?" I asked him hoping it was math 1.
"I have math 1 with Mr.Jerrihn."
"Me too will you show me the way?" I already knew where the room was but I wanted to walk with him.
"Sure, oh and I never got your name?"
"Justin, Justin Blake."
"I'm Reagan Beast."

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