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cant eat 

cant sleep 

cant talk

cant walk

cant laugh 

cant do anything 

do you ever wonder if that's ever going to change

sometimes i feel like there's no hope in getting out of it 

that i deserved to be like this 

all alone with my thoughts 

just dancing  in an empty room 

when people ask what's wrong 

and having to answer 

"nothing" because you 

don't want them to know 

or worse mock you 

sometimes i wonder is there's some truth 

to that answer "nothing" maybe it's because

i feel nothing 

will someone ever figure out 

whats wrong with me 

or why i cant eat or sleep 

i just laid around all day

doing nothing 

because i feel nothing 

not everything is all sunshine and 


just because I'm young 

doesn't give you a right to 

tell me what i'm allowed to feel 

or not.

don't judge someones feelings 

because of there age 

or if they say " I'm fine or "nothing"

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