I'll walk away from this, it isn't the end of the world, end of mine, but I can come back to reality.It can't be too hard, can it?
I've been woken from my hopes and dreams and kicked out in a matter of an hour, it's a lot to take in, but I'll survive.
False hope isn't doing me too well, being kicked out way in the country side isn't better than in a city. There's nobody here to call out to. I'll keep walking, notebook, half-empty pen and jacket to keep me company.
The jacket smelled like ink and chemicals, but it's lightly overlapped with the scent of tall dewy grass with the spring wind blowing from my right side. It was tanned, long, with black splotches littering it, comfy still, my shoulders used to the weight of it from days of sitting around and using it as a small blanket.
It seems my lazy days are over as I pushed through the field, only able to see above my stomach. I can only blindly hope the dirt won't turn unexpectedly into mud.
I want to tear out my hair, it has only been getting in my face, I can only scream when the winds pick up and the rain begins to fall. Looking back at the house that doesn't even lay more than half a kilometre makes me scream louder. Yelling "SCREW YOU!" to anything in my vicinity that has the ability to hear, I trudge on.
It's my own fault I'm out here, I should have just listened. Now I've lost all I've earned, I never deserved it anyways, but it still hurts. I took it for granted, but that's how the same old story goes.
Then the rain comes, same old same old. My jackets getting heavier, it would almost be worth it to leave it here in the developing mud. I now decide a field was not the best idea. But soon enough, I push my way through the tall grass out to the main road.
No cars are out at this time of night. It's late and empty, the sound of patter gradually exhausting me. I walk as fast as I can with the extra weight. The notebook sat inside a large pocket, hopefully dry. I had been absentmindedly clicking the pen, my cold wet fingers began to twitch and slow down. The pen fell to the ground, barely heard with how much noise the heavy pour made.
I sigh before leaning over to pick it up, falling forwards as my last strength gave out. I lay with my hands an inch away from my face, knees folded and nose just touching the gravel. I let out a sob, the closest path of the main road was the driveway I had just left from, barely in view anymore. I lean up just so my face doesn't kiss the road.
I almost fall back into the ditch, a push at my side.
I lift my muddy arms and find a thin cat curling under my now soaking jacket. It cries along with me, now thankful for the small shelter. "Hi-hi," I choke out with a laughter of a cry. It lets out a broken meow. It was an old cat, white-gray fur in patches around its black base.
The cat curled up as tight as possible and laid its head across my knee, staring up at me with a look of gratitude. I didn't want to scare away my one friend so I moved a little bit to get more comfortable.
Sitting on a road, in the middle of nowhere. Pouring rain so loud you can't hear yourself think, a cat on its last legs staring up at you. This was a dream of a nightmare.
The cat took deep breaths and closed its bright eyes. Moonlight I'd name them, matching eyes for a matching name no matter how cliche. I haven't a clue if it's a boy or girl, but the name suits. I moved my shins from underneath me carefully, Moonlight laid limp in deep sleep.
I picked up the cat and moved them peacefully along with myself to lay in the grass rather than on the gravel. I lay on my side and held Moonlight close and under the jacket as protection. My hair is slicked back from the water and out of my eyes.
As my worry came to a stop, I let my eyes close and drift just as the cat had.
I wake up to birds chirping loudly and nipping cold. My teeth are already chattering and I peer down to Moonlight.
They really were on their last legs. I cry over my frozen and old dried tears. Moonlight sat motionless but looking content. I picked up the lifeless frail body and cradled it close to my heart. I sat in sorrow over the new and old friend for a while trying to warm myself.
I wasn't sure what else to do with it so I laid back down, nowhere to go. I could only hear my own slow heartbeat and sniffling.
I felt tired from only crying. I couldn't stay awake. This sleep wasn't so peaceful, it was like falling.
Young Girl And Cat Found Dead In ditch At ######
Girl presumed to be killed by hypothermia or over radiation exposure. Cat presumed dead of old age, starvation, or suffocation. If you know anything about the Girl please contact ###-###-#### to help us identify her. Items found in ditch as well, small notebook and an artists pen.
The girl was found at ### wearing a large tan trench coat with ink and chemical stains, a white dress shirt, black trousers, and blue dress shoes.
If you have seen this girl before please contact.